Our Database of the Month for August is JSTOR! JSTOR is a multi-disciplinary collection that is a great place to start your research for almost every discipline on campus.
Scholarly Journals
JSTOR's journal collection is unique. They describe it as, "The JSTOR archival collections feature the back issues of more than 2,600 scholarly journals across 60 disciplines. JSTOR works with a diverse group of nearly 1,200 publishers from more than 57 countries to preserve and make their content digitally available.
Many JSTOR collections are multidisciplinary and comprised of several core subjects, including language and literature, history, economics, and political science. Discipline-specific collections are also available to support focused educational programs, and range from health and science collections to music, Jewish studies, and Iberoamérica.
All issues, from volume 1, issue 1, are provided for every journal, including all previous and related titles. Each journal has a “moving wall,” defined as a time lag between the most current issue published and the content available on JSTOR. Most archival journals have moving walls of between three and five years, but publishers may elect walls anywhere from zero to 10 years. Content is added to collections annually, which means that the cost per page for the JSTOR archive collections decreases every year.
JSTOR also contains a collection of over 3,000 open access eBooks from academic and large commercial publishers. The collection is continually growing. Ebooks are included in the search results and can also be found loaded into the library's catalog to discover there.
Support, Tools & Learning
JSTOR has a wonderful support community. You can find:
JSTOR Daily is where scholarly articles meet the public - providing a place where peer reviewed research is highlighted in short articles and how scholarship fits into current events and topics of the day. Each short article contains links to peer reviewed research articles in the collection that relate to the subject matter. You can even sign up for the JSTOR Daily newsletter to have it delivered to your inbox!