National Coffee Day is celebrated today, September 29, 2018, and International Coffee Day is celebrated on October 1, 2018. To mark this, we've pulled together a list of resources related to coffee that might be of interest.
From NOAA, June 2015:
“Legend ties the discovery of coffee to a centuries-old monastery in the Ethiopian highlands, and after its introduction on the Arabian Peninsula, coffee was actively cultivated and traded before gaining popularity in Europe.
“Between coffee houses and home, coffee lovers now consume more than 2.25 billion cups a day. Coffee counts among the most valuable tropical export crops on Earth, cultivated across more than 27 million acres. Small-scale farmers produce about 70 percent of the world’s coffee, and as many as 120 million people depend directly or indirectly on coffee production for their economic survival.”
You can see an Industry Snapshot, Coffee and Tea Manufacturing (NAICS 311920) from the source 2012 Economic Census, 2010-2015 County Business Patterns, 2010-2015 Nonemployer Statistics, and Population Estimates.
Learn more about coffee, the coffee bean industry, and it's history from library resources such as:
Library resources may be subscription based and require a SHC BadgerWeb login.
A EBooks on coffee:
There is also additional information from government offices: