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Ignatian Pedagogy: The Paradigm in Action

The Paradigm in Action

Element of the IPP Description Examples Goals
Context Includes the "context of the student's own life situation, who he or she is coming into the classroom... In addition, a larger context surrounds the student in concentric circles: classroom, institution, local, national, and global issues."  

For example, are your students first generation? From another region or country? Are there learning differences? What is their preparedness for higher education? Are there health or financial challenges?  

Consider also the effects of the pandemic, the coming job market, changing family dynamics, political, social, and economic upheavals, artificial intelligence, etc.  


Meeting students where they are

Experience Experience "resides in the student's encounter with people, places, events, and texts that stretch them beyond prior knowledge and experiences."

Experiences include but are not limited to: service learning, field trips, and internships, research in the lab, the field or the library.

Exposure to primary sources, new ideas, revealing data, challenging texts. 

Creating, building, solving, surveying, compiling, curating, interpreting.   

Providing intellectual and affective learning opportunities

Reflection Reflection "demands that our students look back on their experiences with the goal of shedding light on them to understand them better."  Students can be encouraged to reflect by writing a journal or blog, by generating discussion and questions, or by visually representing their understanding. 

Discerning meaning for ourselves and others


Action  Knowledge in action "might manifest as a concrete activity, but might also take the form of an understanding, a disposition, a decision, a belief, a commitment, or simply the impetus to try something else.... Action is, in short, the appropriation of the learning that transforms the learner."  Action can manifest as the pursuit of more knowledge or experience, engagement with school or larger community (service, activism, leadership, volunteerism), or be revealed in more traditional assignments such as papers, presentations, and projects that demonstrate transformative learning.  

Bringing forth an external expression of learning


Evaluation Evaluation is a process by which the student reflects on his or her own "growth in attitudes, priorities, and actions consistent with being a person for others."  Evaluation can take the form of reflection on the action that sprang from the learning in written, spoken, or visual form, or in any evidence of deeper understanding, moral and intellectual growth. 

Encouraging student intellectual and moral growth

~ quotations from "Reflection in Action: A Signature Ignatian Pedagogy for the 21st Century" by Rebecca S. Nowacek and Susan M. Mountin

© Maura Mandyck, Spring Hill College, Fall 2023