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BIO 205 Invertebrate Zoology:  

Invertebrate diversity including systematics, natural history, and anatomy

When you get into the whole field of exploring . . . you realize that we live on a relatively unexplored planet. E.O. Wilson

Grzimek's animal life encyclopedia. 2nd ed. Detroit: Gale; 2003. 
     QL7 .G78 2003 Reference Fl. 1

     Volume 1: Lower metazoans and lesser deuterostomes -- Volume 2: Protostomes
     -- Volume 3: Insects

Arnett RH. American insects: a handbook of the insects of America north of Mexico.
     2nd ed. Boca Raton, Fla.: CRC Press; 2000.  QL474 .A76 2000 Reference Fl. 1

Buchsbaum R. Animals without backbones. 3rd ed. / ed. Chicago: University of Chicago
     Press; 1987.  QL362 .B93 1987 Lower level

Scott JA. The butterflies of North America: a natural history and field guide.
     Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press; 1986.  QL548 .S38 1986 Reference Fl. 1

Sample result
 Kreuzinger-Janik B. Flatworms like it round: nematode consumption by planaria torva (müller 1774)
     and polycelis tenuis (ijima 1884)
. Hydrobiologia : The International Journal of Aquatic Sciences.

Sample result
 Nielsen C. How to make a protostome. Invertebrate Systematics.

Sample result
 Scott A, Harrison PL. Embryonic and larval development of the host sea anemones
   entacmaea quadricolor and heteractis crispa
. Biological Bulletin. 2007;213(2):110–121.

Sample result
 Kreuzinger-Janik B. Flatworms like it round: nematode consumption by planaria torva (müller 1774)
     and polycelis tenuis (ijima 1884)
. Hydrobiologia: The International Journal of Aquatic Sciences.