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Archives: Jesuit Community & History: Father Albert Foley, S.J.


4000 Dauphin Street, Mobile, AL 36608

Alert Foley S J Headshot


Title: Albert Sidney “Steve” Foley Jr., S. J. Papers,
Collection Number: MS 100
Inclusive Dates: 1946-1991
Bulk Dates: 1954 -1968
Creator(s): Albert Sidney “Steve” Foley Jr., S. J. (1912-1990)
Linear Feet: 6.662
Extent: 16 boxes









Series 1: Personal and Manuscripts

Series 2: Articles

Series 3: Alabama Advisory Committee and Alabama Council on Human Relations (Box 3)

Series 4: Civil Rights (Boxes 4 and 5)

Series 5: Human Relations Institute (Boxes 5, 6, 7, and 15)

Series 6: Ku Klux Klan and the White Citizens Council (Box 8)

Series 7: Spring Hill College (Box 8)

Series 8: Subject Files A – Z (Box 9 and 10)

Series 9: Miscellaneous Subject Files A – Z (Box 11)

Series 10: Miscellaneous Publications



Albert Sidney Foley Jr. was born in New Orleans, Louisiana, on November 6, 1912. He was the second child and eldest son of Albert Sidney Foley and Gertrude Emily Mavor Foley. The elder Albert’s father and served as General Albert Sidney Johnston’s flag bearer during the Civil War, and had named his son in remembrance of the general. The elder Albert Sidney worked as the assistant manager of the American Sugar Refining Company in New Orleans. Gertrude was a housewife. As a boy the younger Foley’s family was served by a succession of domestics, and he was schooled by his family in the “Civil War traditions” present in his boyhood home.(1) Foley’s family christened him at St. Stephens Church on Napoleon and Camp streets ten days after his birth. He alter attended Holy Name of Jesus elementary and Jesuit High schools, graduating in

Even as a young boy, Foley knew that one day he would become a priest. “I was MEANT to be a Jesuit priest,” he later told his administrative assistant.(2) As a schoolboy, he served as an altar boy. Part of his duties included delivering to the sacristan of the Holy Name Church the alter bread made by the Creole sisters at their convent located behind St. Louis Cathedral. One “colored” sister, who had been the order’s doorkeeper for many years, Sister Berchmans, would introduce Foley to others saying “This is my little altar boy who wants to be a priest.”(3)

Foley's first exposure to Spring Hill College, the school to which he would devote the last thirty-seven years of his life, and to Thomas Toolen, the diocesan bishop under who he would serve until 1969, occurred in 1927. Toolen took over the diocese on May 18, 1927. Four days later he presided over the laying of the cornerstone of Mobile Hall, located on the campus of Spring Hill.  Foley’s family traveled to the city to see the new bishop. Toolen’s “corpulent” figure dismayed the fourteen-year-old boy. The two men were to have their disagreements over the years.(4)  

In 1929, at age 17, Foley joined the Society of Jesus by entering their novitiate at Grand Coteau, Louisiana. The novitiate was the first step a Jesuit scholastic took on the prescribed passage to full ordination in the church. The novitiate consisted of two years spent in a religious community where the Jesuit candidate learned the traditions, rules, and expectations of the Society. Following the novitiate, the scholastic took his first vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience to his superiors, allowing him to put the acronym “S. J.” (for Society of Jesus) after his name. After that two-year period, the Jesuit hopeful bean his juniorate, which was devoted to the study of Latin, Greek, and the humanities. Next, the Jesuit spent three years in philosophical studies followed by the three-year regency. During the regency the Jesuit taught in a Society high school or college. A priest was ordained after the third year of a four-year theological study. The final phase of the process included one year of prayer, spiritual studies, and a pastoral ministry, a period known as tertianship.

At Grand Coteau, Foley took his first vows, helped his superiors with retreats for the area’s Catholic high school students, and participated in outreach programs for the poor and needy. In 1931, he attended St. Louis University, where he took minor orders. At St. Louis he earned an AB in 1935 and a MA in Latin in 1936. For his regency, Foley returned to his New Orleans alma mater, Jesuit High School, for the 1936-1937 school year. After the school year, he moved on to Mobile, where he served as the director of debating and the prefect of discipline at Spring Hill College for the years 1937 through 1939. After his regency, the New Orleans native went to St. Mary’s College in Kansas to begin his theological study. Foley was ordained on June 17, 1942. For his tertainship, Foley went to Our Lady of the Martyrs in Auriesville, New York. However, World War II affected his ability to finish that period. A Spring Hill College professor of sociology had left to serve in Europe and Foley was called on to replace him. From 1944 through 1947 he taught religion, speech, and sociology at the college. This is also the period when then issues of racial prejudice and segregation began to become of paramount importance to the young priest.

Foley was assigned to take over the teaching of a course entitled “Migration, Immigration, and Race.” Not being trained in the field of sociology, however, he began to read in preparation for the course. The volumes he read and the studies he conducted made him realize how illogical prejudice was and how much injustice segregation caused. With a new awareness about color in America, Foley ventured into the field of race relations. He organized a Mobile Student Interracial Union on the campus of the college and conducted surveys among black Catholics and his students into racial opinions and treatment. These steps, however, earned him the censure of his local bishop, Archbishop Thomas Toolen, and he was shortly reassigned.

Another incident that happened during Foley’s first tour of duty at Spring Hill College was the organizing meeting in 1946 of a provincial Institute of Social Order. At that meeting a group of nearly two dozen Jesuit priests established, among other committees, a subcommittee on interracial relations, which they selected Foley to head.

On February 3, 1947, Foley took his final vows. That same year he returned to St. Louis University for an MS in sociology. While there he worked with the Institute of Social Order, directed by Leo Brown, S. J. He also worked with Daniel Lord, S. J., the publisher of The Queen’s Work. Foley also joined the Midwest Clergy Conference on Negro Welfare and the Catholic Committee of the South. He was involved with the Commission on Interracial Cooperation, which was to evolve into the Southern Regional Council, another organization he joined in the 1950s.

After receiving his MS, Foley went to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where he studied under Howard Odum and Guy Johnson in their sociology graduate program. Under Odum and Johnson, Foley wrote his dissertation on “The Catholic Church and the Washington Negro.” Finished in 1950, the dissertation was never published because it never received the official sanction of the church.

In 1951, Foley returned to St. Louis and to his work with the Institute of Social Order. Asked to direct a summer workshop in human relations at St. Louis University, which subsequently fell through, he continued his education with a post doctorate fellowship in a methodological approach to human relation known as Group Dynamics. For the 1952-1953 school year he attended the Research Center for Group Dynamics at the University of Michigan under a grant secured from the Carnegie Foundation.

With a firmer knowledge for the dynamics of human relations, Foley began a thirty-seven year run of small group workshops in human relations, race relations, and community relations, first at Loyola University of New Orleans, then as Our Lady of the Lake College in San Antonio, Texas, and finally at his own Human Relations Institute at Spring Hill College, to which he was reassigned in 1953. That year, the college determined to finally implement desegregation, a process the board of trustees has discussed for several years.

In 1955, Foley became an establishing member of the Alabama Council on Human Relations, the state branch of the Southern Regional Council, an organization of an interreligious, interracial nature dedicated to educating others about the issue of race. By 1960 he had established the Human Relations Institute at Spring Hill College. From this venue he held small group workshops in race relations, police/community relations, executive development, and other areas. Around 1961, he was also appointed to the Alabama Advisory Committee to the U. S. Civil Rights Commission, a group established under the 1957 Eisenhower Civil Rights Act.

It was as a member of the Alabama Council and the Alabama Advisory Committee, and as a religious figure concerned about the conditions blacks faced in the Jim Crow South, that Foley found himself in the midst of the civil rights struggle in Birmingham in 1963. During the protests led by Martin Luther King Jr., Ralph Abernathy, the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, Fred Shuttlesworth, and the Alabama Christian Movement for Human Rights, Foley became embroiled in a confrontation with leaders of the Civil Rights Movement and, in the process, was forced to confront his beliefs about race head on, a course of events that left him scarred and returned him to the comfort of small group workshops.

After 1963, Foley’s concern for the plight of the poor and dispossessed was manifested less with public pronouncements, as had been the case in Birmingham, and more with education through his workshops. From 1956 through 1968 he conducted workshops on school desegregation in Mobile and Birmingham, designed to changed attitudes and bring about the process in a peaceful way. For the last seventeen years of his life, Albert Foley worked through federal grants with the Job Training Partnership Act and the Headstart Program, among other things. He continued to
teach at Spring Hill until 1979, becoming professor emeritus, and continued his work with the Human Relations Institute until his death in 1990. He is buried on the campus of Spring Hill College.

(1) Albert S. Foley, “Shadow of the White Camellia: Reminiscences of A Tangle with Terrorists,” 25, undated and unpublished manuscript, Albert S. Foley Jr., S. J. Papers, Manuscripts, Archives and Special Collections, Spring Hill College, Mobile, AL [hereafter cited as SHC].
(2) Joan Sage, “The Grilling Story of St. Joan the Bar-Be-Qued and How She Got That Way, or Joan McCormick Sage,” 143, undated and unpublished manuscript, found in Joan Sage Papers, Josephite Archives, Baltimore, Maryland, copy in Foley Papers, Manuscripts, SHC.
(3) Foley, “Shadow of the White Camellia,” 25, 26.
(4) Albert S. Foley, “In the Shadow of the White Camellia,” 122, Foley Papers, Manuscripts, SHC.

This collection includes letters, photographs, manuscripts, and miscellaneous materials regarding the life, career, and civil rights work of Albert S. Foley, S.J. The largest portions of the collection include manuscripts and correspondence. Estimated 20,000 pages of material.

No further accruals expected.

Restricted. Access determined on a case by case basis. Persons with an established record of scholarly, peer-reviewed work, or with a current active academic publishing contract will be considered. Folders marked with an asterisk have privacy or copyright concerns and may not be reproduced. No portion of this collection is currently available for digitization.

Carol Ellis, graduate student at the University of South Alabama, processed this collection and created the finding aid in September 2002. Katy Osborne, Special Collections Support and Resource Sharing Coordinator at Burke Memorial Library at Spring Hill College updated the finding aid in June 2023.

Researchers wishing to cite this collection should use the following information:


Folder Name, Folder Number, Container Number, MS 100: Albert Sidney “Steve” Foley Jr., S. J. Papers, Archives and Special Collections, Spring Hill College, Mobile, AL.

Box 3, Folder 25a: Bob Hughes – See Robert E. Hughes Papers at Western Washington University, Center for Pacific Northwest Studies,

Box 9, Folder 33, Bob Hope All-Star Show, News Clippings – See November 1958 Springhillian.

Correspondence Index included after box list.

This collection has been organized into 10 series. Files are organized alphabetically by subject within each series.

Series 1: Personal and Manuscripts (Boxes 1, 2, 13, 14, and 15)
This series contains Father Foley’s personal correspondence, cards, notes, photographs, and vita. Also present in this series are various manuscripts Father Foley and others wrote. Included with the manuscript material are correspondence and book reviews dealing with Foley’s attempts to have his manuscripts published or produced for television, film, and stage.

Series 2: Articles [by Foley and others] (Box 2)
This series contains various articles written by Foley and others. The majority of the articles relate to civil rights, racial, and/or religious issues.

Series 3: Alabama Advisory Committee and Alabama Council on Human Relations (Box 3)
This series contains correspondence, membership lists, financial matters, and minutes related to these two civil rights organizations to which Father Foley belonged.

Series 4: Civil Rights (Boxes 4 and 5)
This series includes many subjects including: Autherine Lucy and her attempted desegregation of the University of Alabama in 1957. Birmingham in 1963, Chicago, CORE, Emmett Till lynching in Mississippi, Freedom Riders, Highlander Fold School, John Kaspar, Little Rock, lynching, Martin Luther King Jr., Montgomery Bus Boycott, National Citizens Protective Association, New Orleans racial situation, Police and prison issues, school desegregation, St. Louis racial situation, Selma in 1965, University of Mississippi and James Meredith. The types of material in this series include
correspondence, news clippings, articles, pamphlets, maps, and various documents relating to civil rights. 

Series 5: Human Relations Institute (Boxes 5, 6, 7, and 15)
This series contains files Foley generated in his Human Relations Institute at Spring Hill College. Included are the papers on the Alabama Career opportunities Program, the Azalea Home Builders, the Communities Correction Consortium, his Conflict Management Institutes, school desegregation workshops, the Executive Development Program, Group Dynamics, Headstart, the Job Training Partnership Association, the Link Program (related to prison and police issues), mental health, various workshops, and financial and officer matters. The types of material in this series include correspondence, financial data, news clippings, vitas, and workshop schedules, along with various documents relation to
the Human Relations Institute.

Series 6: Ku Klux Klan and the White Citizens Council (Box 8)
This series contains correspondence, and local, state, and regional clippings, articles, and miscellaneous material related to the KKK and the White Citizens Council.

Series 7: Spring Hill College (Box 8)
This series contains information related to Spring Hill College, including some of Foley’s sociology course notes and syllabi, files concerning desegregation of the college, and correspondence.

Series 8: Subject Files A – Z (Box 9 and 10)
This series contains files related to subjects not covered in the previous series, but still used extensively by Foley. The files are alphabetized by material type.

Series 9: Miscellaneous Subject Files A – Z (Box 11)
This series contains single issue subject files.

Series 10: Miscellaneous Publications (Box 12)
This series contains miscellaneous publication Foley collected. They are alphabetized by subject.

As of July 2022, there are six folders missing from this collection.
Box 2, Folder 38: Missing
Box 7, Folder 28: Workshops, Fordham University
Box 9, Folder 61: Communism, News Clippings
Box 10, Folder 27: Loyola-Los Angeles Workshops, Misc. Material
Box 13, Folder 41: Beloved Outcaste, Rankin Screenplay (2 of 3)
Box 13, Folder 42: Beloved Outcaste, Rankin Screenplay (3 of 3)

Box    Folder    Personal
1         1             Articles of Incorporation - The Mechanical Force Multiplier Development Corporation of Mobile
1         2             Christ the Unique (Pinard) (1 of 2)
1         3             Christ the Unique (Pinard) (2 of 2)
1         4             Christology Notes (1 of 2)
1         5             Christology Notes (2 of 2)
1         6             Christmas Card List
1         7             Correspondence, 1946-1947
1         8             Correspondence, 1948
1         9             Correspondence, 1949-1960
1        10            Correspondence, 1961-1963
1        11            Correspondence, 1965-1991
1        11a          Foley Coat of Arms
1        12            Foley Family Reunion, 1989, Address List
1        13            Foley Family Reunion, 1989, Correspondence
1        14            Foley Family Reunion, 1989, Menu
1        15            Foley Family Reunion, 1989, Misc. Material
1        16            Foley Vita
1        17            Greeting Cards, etc.
1        18            Homilies on the Father’s Death
1        19            Josephite Archives, Baltimore
1        20            News clippings
1        21            Personal Notes
1        22            Photographs, Contact Prints
1        23            Photographs, Misc. B&W
1        24            Photographs, Misc. Color
1        25            Photographs, Misc. Headstart (?)
1        26            Photographs, Misc. HRI (?)
1        27            Photographs, Misc. Negatives
1        28            Photographs, Misc. Color (SHC?)
1        29            Photographs, B&W (1 of 3)
1        30            Photographs, B&W (2 of 3)
1        31            Photographs, B&W (3 of 3)
1        32            Photographs, Color
1        33            Social Theories
1        34            Student Banking

1        35            A Modern Galahad, Correspondence
1        36            A Modern Galahad, Edits
1        37            A Modern Galahad, News Clippings
1        38            A Modern Galahad, Notes/Research
1        39            A Modern Galahad, St. John Berchman’s Illustrated Lecture
1        40            A Modern Galahad, St. John Berchman’s Spiritual Diary
1        41            Beloved Outcaste, Articles
1        42            Beloved Outcaste, Censor Reaction
1        43            Beloved Outcaste, Corrections
1        44            Beloved Outcaste, Correspondence, 1950-1952
1        45            Beloved Outcaste, Correspondence, 1953-April 30, 1954
1        46            Beloved Outcaste, Correspondence, May 1, 1954 - September 30, 1954
1        47            Beloved Outcaste, Correspondence, 1956
1        48            Beloved Outcaste, Correspondence, 1957-1990
1        49            Beloved Outcaste, Correspondence
1        50a          Beloved Outcaste, Healy Editorial
1        50b          Beloved Outcaste, Healy Negatives
1        51            Beloved Outcaste, Introduction to the Sources
1        52            Beloved Outcaste, McKenna Screenplay “Black Bishop, White Pawns”
1        53            Beloved Outcaste, Microfilm Material (1 of 2)
1        54            Beloved Outcaste, Microfilm Material (2 of 2)
1        55            Beloved Outcaste, Orders
1        56            Beloved Outcaste, Photographs
1        57            Beloved Outcaste, Production, Articles
1        58            Beloved Outcaste, Production, Budgets
1        59            Beloved Outcaste, Production, Contracts
1        60            Beloved Outcaste, Production, Correspondence (1 of 2)
1        61            Beloved Outcaste, Production, Correspondence (2 of 2)
1        62            Beloved Outcaste, Production, Grant
1        63            Beloved Outcaste, Production, Miscellaneous
1        64            Beloved Outcaste, Production, Presentation Reports
1        65            Beloved Outcaste, Production, Script
1        66            Beloved Outcaste, Production, Telegrams
1        67            Beloved Outcaste, Research Material
1        68            Beloved Outcaste, Reviews

Box    Folder    Personal
2        1              Beloved Outcaste, Robinson (Serling) Screenplay (pp.1-64)
2        2              Beloved Outcaste, Robinson (Serling) Screenplay (pp. 65-134)
2        3              Beloved Outcaste, Robinson (Serling) Screenplay (pp. 135-231)
2        4              Beloved Outcaste, Robinson Script (Second copy, 1 of 2)
2        5              Beloved Outcaste, Robinson Script (Second copy, 2 of 2)
2        5a            Beloved Outcaste, Tibbets Screenplay
2        6a            The Border City Church and the Negro, Correspondence
2        6              The Border City Church and the Negro, Draft (1 of 2)
2        7              The Border City Church and the Negro, Draft (2 of 2)
2        8              The Border City Church and the Negro, Research Material
2        9              The Catholic Church and the Washington Negro, Correspondence
2        10            The Catholic Church and the Washington Negro, Censor Reactions
2        11            The Catholic Church and the Washington Negro, Corrections
2        12            The Catholic Church and the Washington Negro, Original Manuscript (1 of 2)
2        13            The Catholic Church and the Washington Negro, Original Manuscript (2 of 2)
2        14             The Catholic Church and the Washington Negro, Research Material (1 of 2)
2        15             The Catholic Church and the Washington Negro, Research Material (2 of 2)
2        16             Dream of an Outcast, Correspondence
2        17             Dream of an Outcast, Imprimi Potest
2        18             Dream of an Outcast, Miscellaneous Material
2        19             Dream of an Outcast, News Clippings
2        20             Dream of an Outcast, Orders
2        21             The Dynamics of Public School Desegregation in Mobile, Alabama (pp.1-49)
2        22             The Dynamics of Public School Desegregation in Mobile, Alabama (pp.50-100)
2        23             The Dynamics of Public School Desegregation in Mobile, Alabama, Case Study Checklist
2        24             The Dynamics of Public School Desegregation in Mobile, Alabama, Correspondence
2        25             The Dynamics of Public School Desegregation in Mobile, Alabama, Edits
2        26             The Dynamics of Public School Desegregation in Mobile, Alabama, Travel
2        27             God's Men of Color, Empty
2        28             God's Men of Color, Research Material
2        28a           God's Men of Color, Reviews
2        29             God's Men of Color, Royalty Info
2        30             Klan Fighter, Correspondence
2        31             Klan Fighter, Edits
2        32             Klan Fighter, Manuscript
2        33             Klan Fighter, Veronica Taylor Copy
2        34             The Medical Practice of Abortion in Mobile, Alabama: A Second Opinion*
2        35             My Six Prelates (pp. 1-59)
2        36             My Six Prelates (pp. 60-117)
2        37             New Church, Old Klan (manuscript copy)
2        38             Missing

2a      39             St. Regis: A Social Crusader, Correspondence (1 of 2)
2a      40             St. Regis: A Social Crusader, Correspondence (2 of 2)
2a      41             St. Regis: A Social Crusader, Order Receipts
2a      42             St. Regis: A Social Crusader, Public Relations Material
2a      43             "Shadow of the White Camellia," Correspondence
2a      44             "Shadow of the White Camellia," Critiques
2a      45             Sorokin Dissertation
2a      46             "Testimony in Self Defense," (Ku Klux Klan, pp. 1-55)
2a      47             "Testimony in Self Defense," (Ku Klux Klan, pp. 56-end)
2a      47a           "Trial by Bloodhound," (Ku Klux Klan)
2a      48             "Year of the Introibo" (Copy 1 of 3)
2a      49             "Year of the Introibo" (Copy 2 of 3)
2a      50             "Year of the Introibo" (Copy 3 of 3)
2a      51              "Adventures in Black Catholic History"
2a      52              "Adventures in Black Catholic History," Correspondence
2a      53              "Bishop is a Nee-gar&" (James Healy)
2a      54              "The American Hierarchy's Contemporary Race Problem"
2a      55              "Blackface Minstrels"
2a      56              "Blackface Minstrels," Comments
2a      57              "Blackface Minstrels," Correspondence
2a      58              "Blackface Minstrels," News Clippings
2a      59              "Blackface Minstrels," Notes
2a      60              "Blackface Minstrels," Related Material
2a      60a            "Catholic Desegregation in the Nation's Capital"
2a      61              "Catholic Involvement in Civil Rights"
2a      61a             "Chapter in the St. Louis Story"
2a      62               “The Danish Criminal Justice System"
2a      63               "Desegregation and the South's Minorities"
2a      63a             "Discovering the New Negro"
2a      64               "The Dread School Decision: Prologue"
2a      65               "Emile Durkheim's Sociology of Religion"
2a      66               "Forces for Desegregation in the South"
2a      67               "Fratricide and Brotherhood in Dixie"
2a      68               "Glimpses of the Interracial Apostolate"
2a      68a             "KKK in Mobile, Ala."
2a      69               "Majority Attitudes and Minority Reactions"
2a      70               "Mobile, Alabama: the Demise of State Sanctioned Resistance"
2a      71               "Necessity of Mutual Adjustment for Man and Wife"
2a      72              The New Catholic Encyclopedia, "Negro in the United States"
2a      73              The New Catholic Encyclopedia, Correspondence
2a      74              The New Catholic Encyclopedia, "Propaganda"
2a      75              The New Catholic Encyclopedia, "Slavery"
2a      76              "New Church, Old Klan"
2a      77              "Prison and Jail Inmate Education: Sample Approaches"
2a      77a             "The Problem of Anti-Semitic Humor"
2a      78              "The Problem of Divisiveness"
2a      79              "Prolegomena for the Institutional Apostolate"
2a      80              "Racism and the Catholic Intellectual"
2a      81              Notes on Racism Articles
2a      82              "Washington's Mild Revolution"
2a      82a             "Who's Segregating Whom?"
2a      83              "The Workshop Way"
                             Articles by Others
2a      84              "Brains before Bricks," William Menniger
2a      85              "The Catholic South and Race," Rev. Joseph Fichter
2a      86              "Catholic and Non-Catholic Variables in Marital Prediction Research," Sr. Mary Brian
2a      87              "Christian Education and the Image of the Farisees," Olson
2a      88              "Civil Religion and church Religions," Roanld Wimberly & James Christianson
2a      89              "Development of the Integrated Catholic School in Mobile, Alabama," Rosalind P. Hale
2a      90              "The Disintegration of the catholic Sacred Cosmos," Pierre Hegy
2a      91              "Father Foley: Spring Hill's Quiet Dynamo," James Chisum
2a      92              "The Life of Father Walter Farrell," Reginald Coffey
2a      93              "Our Kind of People: The Consequences of Neo-Pentacostalism for Social Participation," Cecil Bradfield
2a      94              "Political Paradox and Jesuit Problems," Charles Hegarty, S. J.
2a      95              "Public Opinion," Francis G. Wilson
2a      95a             "The Self-Concept of the Minority Child"
2a      96               Various Articles on Racism
                             Articles by Unknown Authors
2a      97              "The Holy Father and the American College Student"
2a      98              "Only Five Converts More" (Joe McCarthy)
2a      99              "Social thought of Aristotle's The Politics

                             Alabama Advisory Committee to the U.S. Civil Rights Commission

Box    Folder       Personal
3        1                 1961 Report, "The Administration of Justice"
3        2                "The Administration of Justice in Alabama," Albert Foley
3        3                "The Administration of Justice," Misc. Material
3        4                "The Administration of Justice," News Clippings
3        5                "The Administration of Justice," Questionnaire
3        6                Civil Rights Update
3        7                Committee Appointments
3        8                Correspondence, 1960-1961
3        9                Correspondence, 1962
3       10               Correspondence, 1963-1973
3       11                Foley Notes
3       12                Frymier Case
3       13                Marion County, Alabama, Cases
3       14                Minutes
3       15                Misc. Material
3       16                National Chairmen List
3       17                News Clippings
3       18                Program Guide
3       19                School Desegregation
3       20                Travel Data
3       21                The Tuskegee Study
3       22                Voting Rights
3       23                Williams, Frank
                             Alabama Council on Human Relations
3       24                Annual Reports
3       25                By-Laws
3       25a              Bob Hughes
3       26                Correspondence, 1955-1956
3       27                Correspondence, 1957-1958
3       28                Correspondence, 1959
3       29                Correspondence, January – April 1960
3       30                Correspondence, May – December 1960
3       31                Correspondence, January – March 1961
3       32                Correspondence, April – December 1961 (1 of 2)
3       33                Correspondence, April – December 1961 (2 of 2)
3       34                Correspondence, January – March 1962
3       35                Correspondence, April – December 1962
3       36                Correspondence, 1963
3       37                Emergency Project in Education for Democracy
3       38                Financial Reports
3       39                Fundraising
3       40                Grants, Correspondence
3       41                Membership
3       42                Minutes, 1954-1960
3       43                Minutes, 1961-1965
3       44                Misc. Material
3       45a              Mobile Branch, By-laws
3       45b              Mobile Branch, Correspondence
3       46                Mobile Branch, Council News
3       47                Mobile Branch, Evaluation
3       48                Mobile Branch, Membership
3       49                Mobile Branch, Minutes (1 of 2)
3       50                Mobile Branch, Minutes (2 of 2)
3       51                Mobile Branch, Misc. Material
3       52                Newsletter
3       53                Notes
3       54                Policy Manual
3       55                Press Releases
3       56                Program Report
3       57                SAVE (Save Out Vital Education)Program
3       58                Tax Exemption
3       59                Various Human Relations Institutes in Other Cities

                             Civil Rights

Box    Folder      Personal
4        1                Attitudinal Poll on Racism
4        2                Autherine Lucy News Clippings
4        3                Birmingham, Articles
4        4                Birmingham, Correspondence
4        5                Birmingham, Misc. Material
4        6                Birmingham, News Clippings
4        7                Chicago, Articles
4        8                Chicago, Correspondence
4        9                Chicago, Maps
4        10              Chicago, Misc. Material
4        11              Chicago, News Clippings
4        12              Chicago, Notes
4        13              Civil Rights Act of 1959
4        14              Civil Rights Act of 1964
4        15              Civil Rights Act of 1990
4        16              CORE, News Clippings
4        17              CORE, Related Material
4        18              Emmett Till, Articles
4        19              Emmett Till, News Clippings
4        20              Freedom Rides, Articles
4        21              Freedom Rides, Correspondence
4        22              Freedom Rides, Father Foley Material on
4        23              Freedom Rides, News Clippings (1 of 2)
4        24              Freedom Rides, News Clippings (2 of 2)
4        25              Highlander Fold School
4        26              Housing, Articles
4        27              Housing, News Clippings
4        28              Little Rock, Articles
4        29              Little Rock, News Clippings
4        30              Little Rock, SRC Special Report
4        31              Lynching, Glenn Diamond
4        32              Lynching, Michael Donald, Articles
4        33              Lynching, Michael Donald, Misc. Material
4        34              Lynching, Michael Donald, News Clippings
4        35              Lynching, News Clippings
4        36              Martin Luther King, Articles about
4        37              Martin Luther King, Death (1 of 2)
4        38              Martin Luther King, Death (2 of 2)
4        39              Martin Luther King & Foley
4        40              Martin Luther King & Foley, Correspondence
4        41              Martin Luther King & Foley, News Clippings
4        42              Misc. Articles
4        43              Misc. Material
4        44              Misc. News Clippings
4        45              Mobile
4        46              Mobile, News Clippings
4        47              Montgomery*
4        48              National, Articles
4        49              National, News Clippings
4        50              National Citizens Protective Association, Editor's Bulletins
4        51              National Citizens Protective Association, White American News Service
4        52              National Citizens Protective Association, The White Sentinel
4        53              New Orleans, Annual Reports
4        54              New Orleans, Articles
4        55              New Orleans, Catholic Committee of the South
4        56              New Orleans, Christ's Blueprint for the South (Father Louis Twomey)
4        57              New Orleans, Class Structure Study
4        58              New Orleans, Maps
4        59              New Orleans, Misc. Materials
4        60              New Orleans, National Federation of Catholic College Students(SERINCO
4        61              New Orleans, News Clippings
4        62              New Orleans, Notes

Box   Folder       Personal
5       1                 Police, Articles
5       2                 Police, Correspondence
5       3                 Police, News Clippings
5       4                 Police, Prisoner Letters*
5       5                 Police, Survey
5       6                 Police, Violence
5       7                 Prisons, Articles
5       8                 Prisons, News Clippings
5       9                 Prisons, Reports
5      10                "Ransom Thoughts on Civil Rights," Albert Foley
5      11                Regional, Articles
5      12                Regional, News Clippings
5      13                Robinson, Billy Hands
5      14                School Desegregation, ABLE [Alabamians Behind Local Educaiton]
5      15                School Desegregation, ABLE, News Clippings
5      16                School Desegregation, Correspondence
5      17                School Desegregation, John Kaspar, Articles
5      18                School Desegregation, John Kaspar, News Clippings
5      19                School Desegregation, Misc. Material
5      20                School Desegregation, Misc. State News Clippings
5      21                School Desegregation, National, Articles
5      22                School Desegregation, National, News Clippings
5      23                School Desegregation, Regional, News Clippings
5      24                School Desegregation, SOS (Save Our Schools)
5      25                St. Louis, Articles
5      26a              St. Louis, City Charter
5      26b              St. Louis, Clergy Conference on Negro Welfare, Minutes
5      27                St. Louis, Misc. Material
5      28                St. Louis, News Clippings
5      29                SCLC
5      30                Segregation, Misc. Material
5      31                Selma, "Alabama True Story"
5      32                Selma, Articles
5      33                Selma, News Clippings
5      34                Shuttlesworth, Fred, News Clippings
5      35                State (Alabama), News Clippings
5      36                University of Mississippi, Articles
5      37                University of Mississippi, Misc. Material
5      38                University of Mississippi, News Clippings
5      39                University of Mississippi, Sociological Survey
5      40                Voter Registration, Articles
5      41                Voter Registration, Misc. Material
5      42                Voter Registration, News Clippings

                           Human Relations Institute - Spring Hill College
5      43                Alabama Career Opportunities Program, Quarterly Reports
5      44                Azalea Home Builders, Grants
5      45                Blank Certificates of Achievement
5      46                Budget Requests
5      47                Community Corrections Consortium, Articles of Dissolution
5      48                Community Corrections Consortium, Correspondence & Notes
5      49                Community Corrections Consortium, Crime Control Act of 1976
5      50                Community Corrections Consortium, Grants
5      51                Community Corrections Consortium, Minutes
5      52                Community Corrections Consortium, Misc. Publications
5      53                Community Corrections Consortium, News Clippings
5      54                Conflict Management Institute, Misc. Material*
5      54a              Conflict Management Institute, News Clippings
5      55                Conflict Management Institute, Problems Posted in Workshops
5      56                Conflict Management Institute, Program Development
5      57                Conflict Management Institute, Progress Report
5      58                Conflict Management Institute, Reaction Sheets
5      59                Conflict Management Institute, Roster & Participants
5      59a              Conflict Management Institute, School Desegregation
5      60                Course Offerings
5      61                Executive Development Program, Budget
5      62                Executive Development Program, College Park Construction Brochure
5      63                Executive Development Program, Conflict Management (Role Play), Conference of Catholic Schools of Nursing
5      64                Executive Development Program, Conflict Management (Role Play), Gaming Material
5      65                Executive Development Program, Conflict Management (Role Play), Related Material
5      66                Executive Development Program, Conflict Management (Role Play), Role Play Scenarios
5      67                Executive Development Program, Correspondence
5      68                Executive Development Program, Financial Data
5      69                Executive Development Program, Misc. Material
5      70                Executive Development Program, News Clippings
5      71                Executive Development Program, Notes
5      72                Executive Development Program, Photographs (1 of 4)
5      73                Executive Development Program, Photographs (2 of 4)
5      74                Executive Development Program, Photographs (3 of 4)
5      75                Executive Development Program, Photographs (4 of 4)
5      76                Executive Development Program, Program Materials
5      77                Executive Development Program, Workshops, S. J. Rectors’ Conference, Correspondence
5      78                Executive Development Program, Workshops, S. J. Rectors’ Conference, Related Material
5      79                Executive Development Program, Workshops, S. J. Rectors’ Conference, Schedules
5      80                Executive Development Program, Workshops, US Army COE, 1981

                          Human Relations Institute
Box   Folder     Personal
6        1              EPDA - COP, Financial Data
6        2              Financial Data
6        3              General Correspondence
6        4             Grants, Correspondence
6        5             Grants, Employment Training for Disadvantaged
6        6             Grants, General
6        7             Grants, Job Seekers’ Education Program, Grant Application
6        8             Grants, Job Seekers’ Training Program, Grant Application
6        9             Misc. Grant Info
6        10           Grants, School Desegregation (Misc.)
6        11           Grants, Racism in Alabama Department of Mental Health
6        12           Group Dynamics, Laboratory in Conflict Management, Bethel, Maine,

                         National Training Laboratory
6        13           Group Dynamics, Misc. Material
6        14           Headstart, Articles
6        15           Headstart, Child Development Association, Budget
6        16           Headstart, CDA, Conference Papers
6        17           Headstart, CDA, Group Dynamics Workshops
6        18           Headstart, CDA, Misc. Material
6        19           Headstart, Correspondence
6        20           Headstart, Financial Data
6        21           Headstart, Home Start, Conferences
6        22           Headstart, Home Start, Correspondence
6        23           Headstart, Home Start, Grant Reports
6        24           Headstart, Home Start, Notes
6        25           Headstart, Home Start, Publications
6        26           Headstart, Home Start, Related Material
6        27           Headstart, Grants
6        28           Headstart, Staff Training Program Job Assignment
6        29           Headstart, Title XX Social Security Act
6        30           Health Care Givers’ Training Program
6        31           John F. Kennedy Building, Booklet & Proposal
6        32           JFK Building, Correspondence
6        33           JFK Building, Designs
6        34           JFK Building, Finances
6        34a         JFK Building, News Clippings
6        35           Jesuit Council for Theological Reflection Grant (women’s roles)
6        36           Jesuit Education and Social Involvement
6        37           Job Training Partnership Act Training Program, Grant Application

                         [Mobile Consortium] (1 of 2)

6        38           Job Training Partnership Act Training Program, Grant Application

                         [Mobile Consortium] (2 of 2)

6        38a         Juvenile Delinquency
6        39           Link Bail Bond Project, Correspondence*
6        40           Link Bail Bond Project, Grant Information
6        41           Link Pail Bond Project, IOU*
6        42           Link Bail Bond Project, Notes
6        43           Link Prisoner Education Program, Correspondence [1 of 2]*
6        44           Link Prisoner Education Program, Correspondence [2 of 2]*
6        45           Link Prisoner Education Program, Enrollment
6        46           Link Prisoner Education Program, Financial Data
6        47           Link Prisoner Education Program, Grade Reports
6        48           Link Prisoner Education Program, Grant Information
6        49           Link Prisoner Education Program, Misc. Material
6        50           Link Prisoner Education Program, Notes*
6        51           Link Prisoner Education Program, Prisoner Applications*
6        52           Link Prisoner Education Program, Sample Course Outline & Exams
6        53           Link Society, Correspondence
6        54           Labor, Correspondence
6        55           Mobile Labor Statistics, August 1981
6        56           Mobile Terrace Quilters & Friends, Correspondence
6        57           Mobile Terrace Quilters & Friends, Grant Information
6        58           Mobile Terrace Quilters & Friends, Misc. Material
6        59           Mental Health, Mental Health Training Institute Reports
6        60           Mental Health, National Institute of Mental Health, Budget
6        61           Mental Health, NIMH Proposal, Institutional Racism
6        62           Mental Health, Technician Training Workshops
6        63           Mental Health Grants, “Conflict Management Training for Community Mental Health”
6        64           Mental Health Grants, “Continuing Education for Alabama Mental Health Caregivers&rdquo
6        65           Mental Health Grants, “Human Relations and Community Mental Health”
6        66           Mental Health Grants, “Institutional Racism and the Alabama Department of Mental Health”
6        67           Mental Health Issue, Journals

                          Human Relations Institute
Box   Folder     Personal
7        1              Miscellaneous Material
7        2              Newsletter
7        3              Office Polices
7        4              Phoenix Learning Program (Mobile County Jail), Criminal Statuses*
7        5              Phoenix Learning Program (Mobile County Jail), News Clippings
7        6              Programs and Projects
7        7              Student Effectiveness Program, October 1976
7        8              Sun Belt Institute of Human Factors
7        9              Thomas M. O’Connor Memorial Building
7        10            Travis Trust, Correspondence
7        11            Travis Trust, Trust Agreement
7        11a          Workshops, Birmingham, Correspondence (School Desegregation)
7        12            Workshops, Birmingham, Evaluations (School Desegregation) [1 of 2]
7        13            Workshops, Birmingham, Evaluations (School Desegregation) [2 of 2]
7        14            Workshops, Birmingham, Interim Report (School Desegregation), October 29-31, 1965 (First Phase)
7        15            Workshops, Birmingham, Interim Report (School Desegregation), December 10-12, 1965 (Second Phase)
7        16            Workshops, Birmingham, Interim Report (School Desegregation), February 11-13, 1966 (Third Phase), and April 15-17, 1966 (Fourth Phase)
7        16a          Workshops, Birmingham, Interim Report (School Desegregation), September 30, 1966 - February 11, 1967
7        17            Workshops, Birmingham, Misc. Material (School Desegregation)
7        17a          Workshops, Birmingham, Notes (School Desegregation)
7        18            Workshops, Birmingham, Roster (School Desegregation)
7        19            Workshops, Birmingham, Vitas (School Desegregation)
7        20            Workshops, Cleveland, Urban Migration, 1961, Correspondence
7        21            Workshops, Cleveland, Urban Migration, 1961, Misc. Material
7        22            Workshops, Cleveland, Urban Migration, 1961, Papers
7        23            Workshops, Cleveland, Urban Migration, 1961, Publications
7        24            Workshops, Commonwealth National Bank
7        25            Workshops, Dauphin Island, U.S. Army, 1961, “The Challenge of Change”
7        26            Workshops, Deep South Seminar, April 1963
7        27            Workshops, Financial Data
7        28            Workshops, Fordham University
7        29            Workshops, Mobile, Interim Report (School Desegregation), June 14 - July 21, 1965
7        30            Workshops, Mobile, Interim Report (School Desegregation), October 7 - December 16, 1965
7        31            Workshops, Mobile/Birmingham, Interim Report (School Desegregation), Report on First Year
7        32            Workshops, Mobile/Birmingham, School Desegregation, Photographs
7        32a          Workshops, National Training laboratory (Group Dynamics/NCCJ)
7        33            Workshops, News Clippings
7        34            Workshops, San Antonio, Our Lady of the Lake
7        35            Workshops, San Antonio, Our Lady of the Lake, Correspondence
7        36            Workshops, San Antonio, Our Lady of the Lake, Related material
7        37            Workshops, Schedules
7        38            Workshops, Spring Hill, 1955-1956, Correspondence
7        39            Workshops, Spring Hill, 1955-1956, Misc. Material
7        40            Workshops, Spring Hill, June 1965 (Teachers)
7        41            Workshops, Student Summaries (1 of 2)*
7        42            Workshops, Student Summaries (2 of 2)*
7        42a          Workshops, Taconic Foundation Proposal (School Desegregation)
7        43            Workshops, Union Carbide, 1981 (Self-improvement)
7        44            Workshops, Wayne State, Detroit, 1968

                          Ku Klux Klan

Box   Folder     Personal
8        1              Articles (by others)
8        2              Birmingham, News Clippings
8        3              Carter, Asa, News Clippings
8        4              Correspondence
8        5              Foley Articles about
8        6              Foley Attitudinal Survey*
8        7              Foley Investigation, Tag Numbers
8        8              Foley Notes
8        9              Misc. Material
8        10            Mobile
8        11            Mobile, News Clippings
8        12            Negatives
8        13            News Clippings (not Mobile), [1 of 4]
8        14            News Clippings (not Mobile), [2 of 4]
8        15            News Clippings (not Mobile), [3 of 4]
8        16            News Clippings (not Mobile), [4 of 4]
8        17            Newspaper Compilations of Racial Incidents, Birmingham
8        18            Newspaper Compilations of Racial Incidents, Mobile
8        19            Newspaper Compilations of Racial Incidents, Montgomery
8        20            Newspaper Compilations of Racial Incidents, Small Towns, Alabama
8        21            Newspaper Compilations of Racial Incidents, Tuscaloosa
8        22            Photographs
8        23            Press Releases
8        24            Student Reports*

                          White Citizens Council

Box   Folder     Personal
8        25            Articles (by others)
8        26            Correspondence
8        27            Misc. Material
8        28            Mobile
8        29            News Clippings
8        30            News Clippings, Nat King Cole
8        31            “Radical Right in Mobile”*
8        32            Community Services Courses, Catholic Social Services
8        33            Community Services Courses, Correspondence
8        34            Community Services Courses, Misc. Material
8        35            Community Services Courses, Misc. Programs
8        36            Community Services Courses, Notes
8        37            Community Services Courses, Pre-Trial Diversion (Link)
8        38            Community Services Courses, Women’s Prison Reform
8        39            Correspondence
8        40            Desegregation
8        41            Evening Courses, Administration
8        42            Evening Courses, Correspondence
8        43            Evening Courses, Enrollment
8        44            Evening Courses, Self Study of Adult Education
8        45            Faculty Recruitment Questionnaire
8        46            Foley 1946 Class Lists
8        47            Grants
8        48            Misc. Material
8        49            Mobile Student Interracial Council
8        50            Mobile United
8        51            News Clippings
8        52            Philosophy Department
8        53            Photographs, B&W
8        54            Photographs, Color
8        55            Senate
8        56            Sociology Courses (1 of 2)
8        57            Sociology Courses (2 of 2)
8        58            Sociology Department, Financial Data
8        59            Sodality Club
8        60            Spring Hill Today

                          Subject Files A - Z

Box   Folder     Personal

9        1              American Catholic Sociological Society Workshops
9        2              Birth Control, Articles
9        3              Birth Control, Correspondence
9        4              Birth Control, Misc. Material
9        5              Birth Control, News Clippings;
9        6              Birth Control, Publications
9        7              Birth Control, Student Papers*
9        8              Bishop Howze, Correspondence
9        9              Bishop Howze, Court Document
9        10            Bishop Howze, Maps
9        11            Bishop Howze, Misc. Material (1 of 2)
9        12            Bishop Howze, Misc. Material (2 of 2)
9        13            Bishop Howze, Negatives
9        14            Bishop Howze, News Clippings
9        15            Bishop Howze, Notes
9        16            Bishop Howze, Photographs
9        17            Bishop Howze, "The Roots of Bishop Howze," by Albert S. Foley
9        18            Bishop Thomas Toolen
9        19            Black Catholics, Alabama Interdenominational Seminary, Correspondence
9        20            Black Catholics, Articles
9        21            Black Catholics, Correspondence
9        22            Black Catholics, Foley Notes
9        23            Black Catholics, History Exhibit Program
9        24            Black Catholics, Misc. Material
9        25            Black Catholics, News Clippings
9        26            Black Catholics, Photographs
9        27            Black Catholics, "Research Report on Catholic Interracial Activity in Southern Alabama," by Albert Foley (Spring Hill College)
9        28            Bob Hope All-Star Show, Advertising
9        29            Bob Hope All-Star Show, Articles
9        30            Bob Hope All-Star Show, Correspondence
9        31            Bob Hope All-Star Show, Misc. Material
9        32            Bob Hope All-Star Show, Negatives
9        33            Bob Hope All-Star Show, News Clippings
9        34            Bob Hope All-Star Show, Notes
9        35            Bob Hope All-Star Show, Photographs
9        36            Bob Hope All-Star Show, Press Releases
9        37            Bob Hope All-Star Show, Souvenir Program
9        38            Bob Hope All-Star Show, Telegrams
9        39            Bullshead (Jerry Pogue)
9        40            Casus Conscientiae, Articles & Clippings
9        41            Casus Conscientiae, Related Material
9        42            Catholic Committee of the South
9        43            Catholic Fundamentalism, Articles
9        44            Catholic Fundamentalism, Misc. Material
9        45            Catholic Scholarships for Negroes, Correspondence
9        46            Catholic Scholarships for Negroes, Misc. Material
9        47            Catholic Scholarships for Negroes, News Clippings
9        48            Center for Pastoral Development, By-laws
9        49            Center for Pastoral Development, Correspondence
9        50            Center for Pastoral Development, Memoranda
9        51            Center for Pastoral Development, Minutes
9        52            Center for Pastoral Development, Misc. Materials
9        53            Citizens Against Violence & Racism (CAVAR), Minutes
9        54            CAVAR, Misc. Material
9        55            Clergy Bulletins
9        56            College Violence & Reform, Articles & Clippings
9        57            College Violence & Reform, Misc. Publications
9        58            College Violence & Reform, Higher Education and National Affairs
9        59            College Violence & Reform, Washington Report
9        60            Communism, Misc. Material
9        61            Communism, News Clippings
9        62            Community Inter-Agency Council
9        63            Diocesan Board of Education, "Handbook of Policies for Religious Education"
9        64            Education, Articles
9        65            Education, St. Louis University Photographs
9        66            FISH Movement
9        67            Healy, Michael, Articles
9        68            Healy, Michael, Correspondence
9        69            Healy, Michael, Maps
9        70            Healy, Michael, Misc. Material
9        71            Healy, Michael, Negatives
9        72            Healy, Michael, News Clippings
9        73            Human Rights, Abortion, News Clippings
9        74            Human Rights, Death Penalty, Alabama Prison Project
9        75            Human Rights, Death Penalty, Articles
9        76            Human Rights, Death Penalty, Correspondence
9        77            Human Rights, Death Penalty, Institute for Southern Studies
9        78            Human Rights, Death Penalty, Manuscripts
9        79            Human Rights, Death Penalty, Misc. Material
9        80            Human Rights, Death Penalty, News Clippings
9        81            Human Rights, Death Penalty, Pamphlets & Brochures
9        82            Human Rights, Prisons, Correspondence

                          Subject Files A - Z

Box   Folder     Personal

10      1              Institute of Social Order (ISO), Christ's Blueprint for the South'
10       2             ISO, Correspondence
10       3             ISO, The Interracialist
10       4             ISO, Interracial Justice Commission
10       5             ISO, Minutes
10       6             ISO, Notes
10       7             Jesuit Community
10       8             Jesuit Province Surveys
10       9             Jesuit Volunteer Corps, Articles
10       10           Jesuit Volunteer Corps, By-laws & Articles of Incorporation
10       11           Jesuit Volunteer Corps, Correspondence
10       12           Jesuit Volunteer Corps, Financial Info
10       13           Jesuit Volunteer Corps, Grant Application
10       14           Jesuit Volunteer Corps, Membership
10       15           Jesuit Volunteer Corps, Memoranda
10       16           Jesuit Volunteer Corps, Minutes
10       17           Jesuit Volunteer Corps, Misc. Material
10       18           Jesuit Volunteer Corps, Newsletters
10       19           Jesuit Volunteer Corps, Newspaper Journeys and Dreams
10       20           Jesuit Volunteer Corps, Orientation &; Volunteer Info
10       21           Jesuit Volunteer Corps, Placements
10       22           Jesuit Volunteer Corps, Tax Exemption & Tax Reforms
10       23           Jesuit Volunteer Corps, WKRG Interview with Foley
10       24           Loyola-Los Angeles Workshops, Correspondence
10       25           Loyola-Los Angeles Workshops, Correspondence, Private*
10       26           Loyola-Los Angeles Workshops, Evaluations
10       27           Loyola-Los Angeles Workshops, Misc. Material
10       28           Loyola-Los Angeles Workshops, News Clipping
10       29           Marriage
10       30           Mobile Area Committee for Training & Development (MACTAD)
10       31           Mobile Area Equal Rights Council
10       32           Mobile (Allied) Arts Council, Correspondence
10       33           Mobile (Allied) Arts Council, Misc. Material
10       34           Mobile (Allied) Arts Council, News Clippings
10       35           Mobile Community Organization (MCO), Calendars
10       36           MCO, Correspondence
10       37           MCO, Community Convention News
10       38           MCO, Misc. Material
10       39           MCO, News
10       40           MCO, Pamphlets
10       41           Mobile Community Development Corporation
10       42           Mobile Social Justice Commission, Affirmations;
10       43           Mobile Social Justice Commission, Articles
10       44           Mobile Social Justice Commission, Correspondence
10       45           Mobile Social Justice Commission, Minutes
10       46           Mobile Social Justice Commission, Misc. Material, World Hunger
10       47           Mobile Social Justice Commission, Misc. Pamphlets
10       48           Mobile Social Justice Commission, Notes
10       49           Mobile Social Justice Commission, Pamphlets, World Hunger
10       50           Mobile Social Justice Commission, Press Releases
10       51           Mobile Urban League, By-Laws
10       52           Mobile Urban League, Board of Directors
10       53            Mobile Urban League, Budget
10       54            Mobile Urban League, Correspondence
10       55            Mobile Urban League, Memoranda
10       56            Mobile Urban League, Minutes
10       57            Mobile Urban League, Misc. Material
10       58            National States' Rights Party, John G. Crommelin
10       59            Neely, Vincent Terrell ("Terry"), Correspondence*
10       60            Neely, Vincent Terrell ("Terry"), Legal Documents
10       61            Neely, Vincent Terrell ("Terry"), Misc. Material*
10       62            Neely, Vincent Terrell ("Terry"), News Clippings
10       63            Neely, Vincent Terrell ("Terry"), Notes*
10       64            Priests' Senate, Minutes
10       65            Priests' Study-Discussion Group
10       66            Provincial Congregation, 1977
10       67            Retreat, Holy Cross Sisters, 1979
10       68            School Prayer, News Clippings
10       69            Shreveport Friendship House (Desegregation)
10       70            Southern Regional Council (SRC), Cooperating Organizations
10       71            SRC, Correspondence
10       72            SRC, History
10       73            SRC, Memoranda
10       74            SRC, Misc. Material
10       75            SRC, Newsletters

                          Subject Files A - Z

Box   Folder     Personal

11       1              Alabama Coalition on Jails & Prisons
11       2              Alabama Impact
11       3              Alabama Department of Mental Health, Staff Development Update
11       4              The Alabama-Mississippi Sociological Association
11       5              Alabama Sociologists & Anthropologists
11       6              Alabama Volunteers in Corrections
11       7              Aldersgate
11       8              The Alleluia Community
11       9              American Catholic Sociological Society
11       10            American International Open University
11       11            American Library of Information (Communism/Loyola-LA)
11       12            American Sociological Association&;
11       13            American Statistical Association
11       14            Amistad Research Center
11       15            Angela Davis
11       16            Anti-Defamation League
11       17            Association for the Sociology of Religion
11       18            Boy Scout
11       19            Bradley, Tom
11       20            The Catholic Center
11       21            Center for Democratic Renewal
11       22            Church of the Good Shepherd&
11       23            Catholic Committee on Urban Ministry
11       24            Catholic Council for the Spanish Speaking
11       25            Catholic Interracial Council
11       26            Catholic Youth Organization
11       27            CCD Speakers'; Bureau
11       28            Census
11       29            The Christian Prison Network
11       30            The Christophers
11       31            Common Cause
11       32            Community Coalition against Crime
11       33            Conference of Jesuit Prison Personnel
11       34            Cornerstone
11       35            Correctional Service of Minnesota
11       36            Diocesan Pastoral Council, Minutes
11       37            Dismas House
11       38            Easter Scenes
11       39            Ethics & Medics
11       40            Episcopal Society for Cultural & Racial Unity (MLK
11       41            The Field Foundation
11       42            Frontiersman (Frontiers International)
11       43            Glennon, John Cardinal
11       44            The Grantsmanship Training Program
11       45            Home Improvement Council
11       46            Housing
11       47            Howard University
11       48            Institute of Social Ministry
11       49            Jewish Community Relations Council of St. Louis
11       50            Kennedy Assassination
11       51            Labor
11       52            Legal Services Corporation of Alabama<br />
11       53            Life Magazine, December 12, 1955
11       54            Manna House
11       55            Mental Health
11       56            Misc. News Clippings
11       57            Misc. Vitas
11       58            Mobile Association for the Blind
11       59            Mobile County Civil Defense
11       60            Mobile Joint Legislative Council, 1962-1963;
11       61            National Alliance Against Racist & Political Repression
11       62            National Center for Service Learning
11       63            National Catholic Rural Life Conference
11       64            National Council of Christians & Jews
11       65            Papal Encyclicals
11       66            Penn Community Services
11       67            Poverty
11       68            Prisons, Alabama
11       69            Prison Construction
11       70            Prison Ministry
11       71            Puerto Rico, News Clippings
11       72            Religion
11       73            Second Vatican Council
11       74            Sterling, Rod
11       75            Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Year End Report, 1948-1949
11       76            Society for the Study of Social Problems
11       77            South Alabama Planning Commission
11       78            Southern Poverty Law Center (KKK)
11       79            Southern Sociological Society
11       80            Terrorism
11       81            The Texas Capitol
11       82            United Fund
11       83            U.S. Constitution
11       84            University of Notre Dame
11       85            Urban League
11       86            Women, Misc.
11       86a          W. E. B. DuBois
11       87            Youth Legislation Task Force

                          Miscellaneous Publications

Box   Folder     Personal
12      1              Aging

                          Civil Rights
12      2              Call and Post (NOW)
12      3              Commitment (National Catholic Conference for Interracial Justice)
12      4              Equal Rights Advocate
12      5              Interracial Review
12      6              Liberation
12      7              New South (Southern Regional Council
12      8              The Pittsburgh Courier
12      8a            "The Position of the Negro in the American Social Order in 1950," Howard Odum, The Journal of Negro Education
12      9              The Reporter
12      10            "The Results of Suppression"
12      11            Selma Inter-Religious Project
12      12            Social Action Digest (John LaFarge)
12      13            The Southern Patriot (Southern Conference for Human Welfare)
12      14            Survey Graphic: Segregation (John LaFarge
12      15            "Watermargin"

12      16            Common Sense
12      17            Crown Heights Comment (Labor)

12      18            Economic Outlook
12      19            National Economic Council
12      20            Twentieth Century Fund

12      21            American Council on Education
12      22            "Black Studies Resources"
12      23            Education Summary
12      24            Higher Education and National Affairs
12      25            A History of Mobile County Training School
12      26            Rockhurst Report

12      27            Community Health
12      28            NRL News (National Right to Life)

                          Human Relations
12      29            Communities in Action
12      30            "Conferences Need Planning Too!"
12      31            Group Research Report
12      32            Institute for Social Research Newsletter
12      33            Joint Newsletter on Intergroup Relations
12      34            National Association of Intergroup Relations (NAIRO)
12      35            News & Reviews on Human Relations
12      36            Research Reports (ADL)

12      37            Misc. Publications

                          Misc. Publications
12      38            American Friends Service Committee
12      38a          The Black Frontier, KUON-TV
12      39            Close Encounters of the Third Kind
12      40            U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Exploring Parenting
12      41            National Academy of Sciences, National Research Group, Disaster Research Group, Field Studies of Disaster Behavior: An Inventory, Disaster Study Number 14
12      42            "The Gordon Smith Story," Alabama Social Welfare
12      43            U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Hurricane Problems Along Coastal Louisiana
12      44            Misc. Journal Articles

                          Police & Prisons
12      45            Alabama Prison Project (Johnny "Imani" Harris'
12      46            Get the Ball Rolling: A Guide to Police Community Relations Programs
12      47            Justice Assistance News, U.S. Department of Justice
12      48            Professional Police in a Free Society, Jerome H. Skolnick
12      49            Toward An Alternative to the Classic Police Organizational Arrangements: A Democratic Model, John E. Angell (NCCJ)

12      50            America Articles
12      50a          "Anyone Can Start a Church," James Goodrich, Negro Digest
12      50b          Catholic Opinions Study, Thomas J. Harte
12      51            Christian Beacon
12      52            Ignatius Center for Campus Ministry
12      53            Impact (Black Catholics)
12      54            The New Day (Father Devine)
12      55            "Province Newsletter," New Orleans Province
12      56            Our Parish Confraternity
12      56a          "Radical Catholics of the Right," Edward Gargan, Social Order
12      57            "The Revolution in the Roman Catholic Church," Readers Digest (Second Vatican Council)

12      58            ASA Footnotes (American Sociological Association)
12      59            "ASR News & Announcements" (Association for the Sociology of Religion)
12      60            Christian Sociological Society Newsletter

                          School Publications
12      61            "College Newsletter," National Catholic Educational Association
12      62            The Hoya (Georgetown University)

                          Urban Issues
12      63            HUD Challenge
12      64            Urban League Newsletter
12      65            Urban Studies Report

12      66            CDA Competence (Child Development Association)
12      67            Youth Crime
12      68            Young Life


Box   Folder     Personal

13      1              A Modern Galahad (Complete Edition), Chapters 1 and 2
13      2              A Modern Galahad (Complete Edition), Chapters 3, 4, 5, and 6
13      3              A Modern Galahad (Complete Edition), Chapters 7, 8, and 9
13      4              A Modern Galahad (Complete Edition), Chapters 10, 11, 12, and 13
13      5              A Modern Galahad (Complete Edition), Chapters 14, 15, 16, and 17
13      6              A Modern Galahad, Author's Portfolio
13      7              A Modern Galahad, (Partial Edited Copy) [1 of 2]
13      8              A Modern Galahad, (Partial Edited Copy) [2 of 2]
13      9              Beloved Outcaste, Author's Portfolio
13      10            Beloved Outcaste, Correspondence, 1950-1952
13      11            Beloved Outcaste, Correspondence, 1953-April 30, 1954
13      12            Beloved Outcaste, Correspondence, May 1, 1954 - September 30, 1954
13      13            Beloved Outcaste, Correspondence, October 1954-1955
13      14            Beloved Outcaste, Correspondence, 1956
13      15            Beloved Outcaste, Correspondence, 1957-1961
13      16            Beloved Outcaste, Correspondence, 1962-1971
13      17            Beloved Outcaste, Correspondence, 1972
13      18            Beloved Outcaste, Correspondence, 1973
13      19            Beloved Outcaste, Correspondence, 1974
13      20            Beloved Outcaste, Correspondence, January - March 1975
13      21            Beloved Outcaste, Correspondence, April - June 1975
13      22            Beloved Outcaste, Correspondence, July - December 1975
13      23            Beloved Outcaste, Correspondence, 1976-1979
13      24            Beloved Outcaste, Correspondence, 1980-1985
13      25            Beloved Outcaste, Correspondence, 1986-1990
13      26            Beloved Outcaste, Edited Juvenile Version, pp. 1-42
13      27            Beloved Outcaste, Edited Juvenile Version, pp. 43-76
13      28            Beloved Outcaste, Edited Juvenile Version, pp. 77-80 (MISSING)
13      29            Beloved Outcaste, Edited Juvenile Version, pp. 81-116
13      30            Beloved Outcaste, Ferreri Story Outline
13      31            Beloved Outcaste, Ferreri Story Outline, First Draft
13      32            Beloved Outcaste, Foley 1951 St. Louis Version, pp. 1-79
13      33            Beloved Outcaste, Foley 1951 St. Louis Version, pp. 80-161
13      34            Beloved Outcaste, Juvenile Version, pp. 1-42
13      35            Beloved Outcaste, Juvenile Version, pp. 43-79
13      36            Beloved Outcaste, Juvenile Version, pp. 80-116
13      37            Beloved Outcaste, Mazzini Screen Outline (1 of 3)
13      38            Beloved Outcaste, Mazzini Screen Outline (2 of 3)
13      39            Beloved Outcaste, Mazzini Screen Outline (3 of 3) [partial]
13      40            Beloved Outcaste, Rankin Screenplay (1 of 3)
13      41            Beloved Outcaste, Rankin Screenplay (2 of 3)
13      42            Beloved Outcaste, Rankin Screenplay (3 of 3)
13      43            Beloved Outcaste, Research Material
13      44            Beloved Outcaste, Reviews
13      45            Beloved Outcaste, Serling Screenplay, pp. 1-49
13      46            Beloved Outcaste, Serling Screenplay, pp. 50-100
13      47            Beloved Outcaste, Serling Screenplay, Edited Copy (1 of 2)
13      48            Beloved Outcaste, Serling Screenplay, Edited Copy (2 of 2)
13      49            Beloved Outcaste, Various Screen Treatments


Box   Folder     Personal

14      1              "The Catholic Church and the Washington Negro," pp. 1-39
14      2              "The Catholic Church and the Washington Negro," pp. 40-89
14      3              "The Catholic Church and the Washington Negro," pp. 90-139
14      4              "The Catholic Church and the Washington Negro," pp. 140-189
14      5              "The Catholic Church and the Washington Negro," pp. 190-239
14      6              "The Catholic Church and the Washington Negro," pp. 240-289
14      7              "The Catholic Church and the Washington Negro," pp. 290-347
14      8              "The Catholic Church and the Washington Negro," Complete Manuscript
14      9              "The Catholic Church and the Washington Negro," Correspondence
14      10            "The Catholic Church and the Washington Negro," Research Material
14      11            "The Color Problem and the Catholic Community," Part 1, Chapters 1 and 2
14      12            "The Color Problem and the Catholic Community," Part 2, Chapters 3 and 4
14      13            "The Color Problem and the Catholic Community," Part 3, Chapters 5, 6, and 7
14      14            "The Color Problem and the Catholic Community," Part 4, Chapters 8, 9, and 10
14      15            "The Color Problem and the Catholic Community," Part 5, Chapters 11, 12, and 13
14      16            "The Color Problem and the Catholic Community," Part 6, Chapters 14, 15, and Appendix
14      17            "The Color Problem and the Catholic Community," Censor Reaction
14      18            "The Color Problem and the Catholic Community," Edited Copy, Chapter 1
14      19            "The Color Problem and the Catholic Community," Edited Copy, Chapter 2
14      20            "The Color Problem and the Catholic Community," Edited Copy, Chapter 3
14      21            "The Color Problem and the Catholic Community," Edited Copy, Chapter 4
14      22            "The Color Problem and the Catholic Community," Edited Copy, Chapter 5, 6, and 7 (MISSING)
14      23            "The Color Problem and the Catholic Community," Edited Copy, Chapter 8
14      24            "The Color Problem and the Catholic Community," Edited Copy, Chapter 9 and 10
14      25            "The Color Problem and the Catholic Community," Edited Copy, Chapter 11
14      26            "The Color Problem and the Catholic Community," Edited Copy, Chapter 12
14      27            "The Color Problem and the Catholic Community," Edited Copy, Chapter 13
14      28            "The Color Problem and the Catholic Community," Edited Copy, Chapter 14
14      29            "The Color Problem and the Catholic Community," Edited Copy, Chapter 15
14      30            "The Color Problem and the Catholic Community," Edited Copy, Appendix
14      31            Copyrights
14      32            Copyright Agreements
14      33            Copyright Correspondence
14      34            DC Borderton Version (1 of 2)
14      35            DC Borderton Version (2 of 2)
14      36            Dream of An Outcaste (Patrick Healy), pp. 1-59
14      37            Dream of An Outcaste, pp. 60-119
14      38            Dream of An Outcaste, pp. 120-17
14      39            Dream of An Outcaste, pp. 180-229
14      40            Dream of An Outcaste, pp. 230-299
14      41            Dream of An Outcaste, pp. 300-359
14      42            Dream of An Outcaste, pp. 360-419
14      43            Dream of An Outcaste, pp. 420-479
14      44            Dream of An Outcaste, Censor Reactions
14      44a          Dream of An Outcaste, Complete Copy
14      45            Dream of An Outcaste, Correspondence, 1955-1974
14      46            Dream of An Outcaste, Correspondence, 1975-1985
14      47            Dream of An Outcaste, Editorial Payments
14      48            Dream of An Outcaste, Edits
14      49            Dream of An Outcaste, Uncorrected Page Proofs, pp. 1-185
14      50            Dream of An Outcaste, Uncorrected Page Proofs, pp. 186-End
14      51            God's Men of Color, Correspondence


Box   Folder     Personal

15      1              "In the Shadow of the White Camellia," Part 1, Chapter 1, Early Draft
15      2              "In the Shadow of the White Camellia," Part 1, Chapter 2, Early Draft
15      3              "In the Shadow of the White Camellia," Part 2, Chapter 1, Early Draft
15      4              "In the Shadow of the White Camellia," Part 2, Chapter 2, Early Draft
15      5              "In the Shadow of the White Camellia," Part 2, Chapter 3, Early Draft
15      6              "In the Shadow of the White Camellia," Part 1, Chapter 1, Later Draft
15      7              "In the Shadow of the White Camellia," Part 1, Chapter 2, Later Draft
15      8              "In the Shadow of the White Camellia," Part 2, Chapter 1, Later Draft
15      9              "In the Shadow of the White Camellia," Part 2, Chapter 2, Later Draft
15      10            "In the Shadow of the White Camellia," Part 2, Chapter 3, Later Draft
15      11            "In the Shadow of the White Camellia," Part 2, Chapter 4, Later Draft
15      12            "In the Shadow of the White Camellia," Draft, Partial
15      13            "In the Shadow of the White Camellia: Reminiscences of a Tangle with Terrorists" (typescript), Chapter 1, Best Copy
15      14            "In the Shadow of the White Camellia: Reminiscences of a Tangle with Terrorists" (typescript), Chapter 2, Best Copy
15      15            "In the Shadow of the White Camellia: Reminiscences of a Tangle with Terrorists" (typescript), Chapter 3, Best Copy
15      16            "In the Shadow of the White Camellia: Reminiscences of a Tangle with Terrorists" (typescript), Chapter 4, Best Copy
15      17            "In the Shadow of the White Camellia: Reminiscences of a Tangle with Terrorists" (typescript), Chapter 5, Best Copy
15      18            "In the Shadow of the White Camellia: Reminiscences of a Tangle with Terrorists" (typescript), Chapter 6, Best Copy
15      19            "In the Shadow of the White Camellia: Reminiscences of a Tangle with Terrorists" (typescript), Chapter 7, Best Copy
15      20            "In the Shadow of the White Camellia: Reminiscences of a Tangle with Terrorists" (typescript), Chapter 8, Best Copy
15      21            "In the Shadow of the White Camellia: Reminiscences of a Tangle with Terrorists" (typescript), Epilogue, Best Copy
15      22            "In the Shadow of the White Camellia: Reminiscences of a Tangle with Terrorists," Chapter 1, Second Copy
15      23            "In the Shadow of the White Camellia: Reminiscences of a Tangle with Terrorists," Chapter 2, Second Copy
15      24            "In the Shadow of the White Camellia: Reminiscences of a Tangle with Terrorists," Chapter 3, Second Copy
15      25            "In the Shadow of the White Camellia: Reminiscences of a Tangle with Terrorists," Chapter 4, Second Copy
15      26            "In the Shadow of the White Camellia: Reminiscences of a Tangle with Terrorists," Chapter 5, Second Copy
15      27            "In the Shadow of the White Camellia: Reminiscences of a Tangle with Terrorists," Chapter 6, Second Copy
15      28            "In the Shadow of the White Camellia: Reminiscences of a Tangle with Terrorists," Chapter 7, Second Copy
15      29            "In the Shadow of the White Camellia: Reminiscences of a Tangle with Terrorists," Chapter 8, Second Copy
15      30            "In the Shadow of the White Camellia: Reminiscences of a Tangle with Terrorists," Correspondence
15      31            "Shadow of the White Camellia: Reminiscences of a tangle with Terrorists," Draft (1 of 2)
15      32            "Shadow of the White Camellia: Reminiscences of a tangle with Terrorists," Draft (2 of 2)
15      33            "Shadow of the White Camellia: Reminiscences of a tangle with Terrorists," Misc. Material
15      34            St. Regis: A Social Crusader, Author's Portfolio
15      35            "The Grilling Story of St. Joan the Bar-Be-Cued or Joan McCormick Sage," by Joan Sage, pp. 1-59*
15      36            "The Grilling Story of St. Joan the Bar-Be-Cued or Joan McCormick Sage," by Joan Sage, pp. 60-119*
15      37            "The Grilling Story of St. Joan the Bar-Be-Cued or Joan McCormick Sage," by Joan Sage, pp. 120-179*
15      38            "The Grilling Story of St. Joan the Bar-Be-Cued or Joan McCormick Sage," by Joan Sage, pp. 180-239*
15      39            "The Grilling Story of St. Joan the Bar-Be-Cued or Joan McCormick Sage," by Joan Sage, pp. 240-271*

                          Human Relations Institute
15      40            Mental Health Institute, Nuns, Correspondence
15      41            Mental Health Institute, Nuns, Misc. Material
15      42            Mental Health Institute, Nuns, Notes
15      43            Mental Health Institute, Nuns, Questionnaires
15      44            Mental Health Institute, Nuns, Role Play
15      45            Mental Health Institute, Nuns, Rosters

This index lists the names and organizations, churches, superiors, or institutions with which Father Foley corresponded. Correspondents are listed last name first, first name last, followed by the box number and folder number in which letters from the individual or organization can be found. Therefore, the number 2:3 represents box number 2 and folder number 3, just as the number 4:20 represents box number 4 and folder number 20.

AAUW - American Association of University Women
ACHR - Alabama Council on Human Relations
ACMHR - Alabama Christian Movement for Human Rights
ADL - Anti-Defamation League
AFSC - American Friends Service Committee
AIS - Alabama Interdenominational Seminary
AJC - American Jewish Congress
CBN - Christian Broadcasting Network
CC - Convent of the Cenacle
CCS - Catholic Committee of the South
CCSR - Commission on Christian Social Relations
CIC - Catholic Committee of the South
COLC - Convent of Our Lady of the Cenacle
COLR - Convent of Our Lady of the Retreat
CORE - Congress or Committee on Racial Equality
CPD - Center for Pastoral Development
CRH - Cenacle Retreat House
FF - Field Foundation, The
FR - Fund for the Republic, The
FSP - Farrar, Straus Publishers
HCC - Holy Cross College
HEW - Dept. of Health, Education, & Welfare
ISO - Institute of Social Order
JHS - Jesuit High School
JVC - Jesuit Volunteer Corps
MACAC - Mobile Area Community Action Committee
MCA - Mobile Community Action
MGM - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
MTQF - Mobile Terrace Quilters & Friends
NAACP - National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
NAIRO - National Association of Intergroup Relations Officials
NCCIJ - National Catholic Conference for Interracial Justice
NCCJ - National Council of Christians and Jews
NCCM - National Council of Catholic Men
NCWC - National Catholic Women's Council
NRLC - National Right to Life Committee
OLLC - Our Lady of the Lake Convent or College
RRC - Race Relations Conference, St. Mary's
SCLC - Southern Christian Leadership Conference
SHC - Spring Hill College
SRC - Southern Regional Council
USCRC - U.S. Commission on Civil Rights
WCC - White Citizens Council

Abernathy, Ralph (SCLC), 4:40
Abraham, Rev. McPaul (Santa Rosa Mission), 3:31
Adams, Joel (Vantage Press), 2:16
Adams, Mark (Univ. of Miami), 7:11a
Adams, Robert M. (Auburn Univ.), 3:28
Adams, William R. (St. Regis Paper Co.), 2:39
Agnew, Walter (Greensboro), 3:31, 4:4
Ahmann, Mathew (NCCIJ), 3:36; 4:40; 6:3
Aidan, Sister Mary (Mobile), 1:10
Akers, J. Clark (Asphalt Products Co.), 8:33
Akers, W. B. (Asphalt Products Co.), 1:11
Alabama Advisory Committee Members, 3:8, 9, 10; 4:4, 40
Alabama Christian Movement for Human Rights, 3:8: 4:40
Alabama Council on Human Relations Members, 3:26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32. 33, 34, 35, 36, 45b; 4:4; 8:4
Alabama Interdenominational Seminary, 9:19
Alabama Newspaper Advertising Service, 3:27
Albert (?), 1:9; 13:25
Alchediak, Michael, S. J. (Strake Jesuit College), 1:35
Alexandre, Clement (The Macmillan Co.), 2:16
Allen (Univ. of Michigan), 5:67
Allen, Mrs. Alice P. (Birmingham), 3:27
Allen, Everett S. (The Standard Times of New Bedford), 13:11
Allred, William (North Carolina), 3:31
Alsip, Steven G. (St. Pius Right to Life Committee), 9:3
Alston, Estelle, 10:24
Altmayer, Jay P. (Mobile), 6:3, 32; 8:4
Alvarez, Joe, S. J. (JVC), 10:11
Amadea, Sister Marie (Immaculate Conception Church/JVC), 10:11
Amata, Mother M. (OLLC), 2:39
Amberg, John, S. J. (Loyola Univ. Press), 2:16; 13:11
American Jewish Committee, 8:4
Amerman, Helen E. (NAIRO), 1:9
Americh, Lucia (Calif.), 10:24
Anderson, Charles D. (The Macmillan Co.), 2:9
Anderson, Frank (Montgomery), 3:31
Anderson, Jose (Montgomery), 3:30, 32
Andrews, Mrs. Earl (Montgomery), 3:27, 28, 31
Anne, 13:11
Annella, Sister M. (Belmont Abbey College), 1:10
Anthony, Paul (SRC), 10:71
Apostol, Jane (Calif.), 14:46
Aquin, Sister M., 1:48, 60
Aries, Dr. Leonard P. (NCCJ), 3:35
Arrupe, Pedro, S. J. (Curia Generalis), 10:11
Arthur, Sister M. (Magnificat), 13:11
Asher, Alvin (MGM), 3:29, 35; 13:13, 15
Atkins, Rev. A. Carl (Mobile), 3:27
Atlanta Journal, 4:40
Aubry, Eleanore (Harvard Univ.), 2:24
Auchincloss, Douglas (Time), 13:11
Aucoin, Rev. Charles F. (St. Catherine’s Church), 9:21
Ayer, P. F. (Council of the Southern Mountains), 7:20

Bachhuber, Andrew H., S. J. (St. Mary’s College), 2:39
Baker, Margaret G. (VT), 13:15
Bandler, Joseph (Calif.), 10:24
Bankester, P. M. (Whiting Field Milton), 5:67
Barlow, Rev. Mother (COLC), 2:39
Barnes, Rev. B. L. (Catholic Messenger), 13:11
Barnett, Rev. Das Kelley (Research Cntr in Christian Theology), 3:29
Barney, Howard (Howard Barney Adv.), 9:30
Barrett, Dr. Jon (Univ. of Michigan), 5:77
Barry, 13:11
Barry, Dr. Marie (US Office of Education), 7:11a
Bartone, Donald E. (Craig AFB), 6:3
Basten, Joe, 1:11
Battles, Jim (Ala. State Industrial Union Council), 3:26
Bauer, William C. (Society of the Divine Word), 14:51
Becker, Kris (Longman, Inc.), 2:24
Beenen, Paul C. (Houston), 10:11
Belafonte, Harry (Nevada), 13:16
Benanti, Carmine, S. J. (St. Joseph’s Church), 2:16
Benne, Dr. Kenneth (Human Relations - Boston), 5:67
Bennett, Lerone (Ebony), 8:4; 9:8; 10:24; 13:13
Benninger, Dr. L. J. (Fla.), 2:40
Bergen, George (RRC, St. Mary's/SHC), 1:8; 3:31; 8:39, 42
Berger, Morroe (AJC), 4:8
Bernard, Mollie (Indiana), 13:12
Bernard, Ray, S. J. (RRC, St. Mary’s), 1:8; 10:2
Bernhardt, Beryl (USCRC), 3:8
Betz, Eva K. (NJ), 13:16
Beuchert, Rita E. (District Lithograph Co.), 2:9
Bibb, Judge William C. (Anniston), 3:10
Bikel, Theodore (Lunt Fontanne Theater, NY), 1:10
Bingham, Mary, 2:43
Birmingham Post, 3:45b; 4:4, 40
Birnbaum, Max (AJC), 8:4; 10:24; 13:10, 12
Bisbee, Henry (N.J.), 13:11
Bishop of Portland, 13:10
Bishop, Claire Huchet (New York), 1:8
Bittner, Frances (The Queen’s Work), 1:8
Bjork, David M. (Univ. of South Ala.), 1:11
Blacker, Irwin R. (Calif.), 2:16; 14:45
Blackledge, Mother D. M. (COLC), 2:40
Blackman, Sallie (Chicago), 3:10
Blair, Joe Neal (Brent Ferry Pass Meth. Church), 3:27
Blake, John (Mass.), 14:51
Blakeley, Hugh (Extension), 13:11
Bloom, Rabbi P. I. (Mobile), 3:45b
Blunt, Rev. Hugh F. (Church of St. John), 13:11
Bob Hope All-Star Show, 9:30
Boivin, Aline P. (Maine), 13:13
Boland, Louis J. (Boland Trane Assoc.), 2:16; 9:68; 13:24
Bond, Dr. Horace Mann (Atlanta Univ.), 3:34; 13:12
Bond, Raleigh (Raleigh Bond Enterprises), 13:18, 19
Boone, Pat (Hollywood), 9:38
Booth, Rev. James T. (Diocese of San Diego), 6:3
Borden, Rev. Roland (Prichard Assm. of God), 6:3
Bosler, Rev. Raymond T. (Indiana Cath. & Record), 13:11
Bostwick, Prudence (Denver), 7:11a
Botnick, A. I. (ADL), 8:4
Bourbon, Frank C. (Woodstock College), 2:16, 27; 14:51
Bourg, Carroll J., S. J. (Maryland Province), 8:39
Bouvier, Leon F. (Spring Hill alumus), 1:11, 3:10; 4:4; 6:3
Bove, Pepe (North Wood Meth. Church), 3:27
Bowden, James J. (OEM Corporation), 1:60
Boyle, Charles (SHC), 6:3; 8:33
Bozeman, Margaret (Foley secy), 6:3
Bracq, Rev. Joseph F. (Providence Visitor), 13:11
Bradbury, William C. (National Committee on Segregation in the Nation’s Capitol), 2:9
Bradley, Tom (Calif.), 3:29; 9:38; 10:24
Brady, Betty (San Fernando Valley State), 7:11a
Brady, Rev. William O. (St. Paul Diocese), 15:40
Bragdon, Marshall (city of Cincinnati), 3:45b
Brand, Dick (The Brand Agency), 13:19; 14:45
Brandt, Richard (Los Angeles), 13:23
Braunstein, David (Delware), 3:30
Breen, Joseph (NV), 13:16
Brock, Elmer Paul (NCCJ), 3:29, 30
Brock, Glenn (GM&O Railroad), 3:28
Brookley Air Force Base, 5:67
Brooks, J. T. (Montgomery), 3:27, 28, 30
Brooks, John E. (HCC), 14:46
Brooks, Maxwell R. (Alabama A&M), 3:9, 35
Brophy, Margaret M. (New Jersey), 13:19
Bross, Helen (Talladega College), 3:27
Bross, Dr. John R. (Talladega College), 3:28
Broughton, Mother M. (CRH), 2:40
Broussard, Rose Mae (Teche Action Clinic), 10:11
Brown, Beverly R. (Library of Congress), 3:33; 9:68
Brown, Rev. Claude C. (Selma), 3:27, 28
Brown, Douglas (Ozark), 3:30
Brown, Father, 13:10
Brown, Hermione K. (Gang, Tyre-Hollywood), 6:3
Brown, Leo C., S. J. (ISO), 1:8; 2:9; 3:30; 8:4; 9:21; 14:51
Brown, Milton L. (Mobile), 5:48
Browne, Henry J. (Catholic Univ. of America), 13:10
Browning, Joseph E., S. J. (St. John Berchmans Church), 1:35
Bruce, Frank M. (Bruce Publishing), 1:35; 2:39; 14:33
Bruce, William C. (Bruce Publishing), 13:11
Brummer, Mrs. Adrian E. (Treasure Island, FL), 1:11; 13:23
Brunini, Joseph B. (Bishop of Natchez), 9:8
Bryant, Father, 13:10
Brylawski Jr., E. Fulton (Washington DC), 13:22
Bueter, Robert J., S. J. (National Jesuit News), 1:11
Bultinck, Pierre (St. Regis Hotel), 2:39
Bunn, Edward B., S. J. (Georgetown), 2:16; 14:45
Burchinal, Lee G. (Iowa State Univ.), 3:34
Burens, Ed (JHS), 1:11
Burlage, Robb K. (Kentucky), 3:45b
Burns, Father Charles (Divine Word Messenger), 9:21
Burroughs, Rev. Nelson M. (Bishop of Ohio), 3:27
Burroughs, Polly (Mass.), 9:68; 13:24
Burrus, Ernest J., S. J. (Casa Generalizia Gesuiti), 2:16
Butler, Broadus N. (Wayne Cty Dept. of Health - Michigan), 7:11a
Butterfield, Dr. Ersten (Union of Congre. Christian Churches), 3:30
Byrne, Jean, 1:9


Cabirac, Henry Jr. (NCCIJ), 3:33; 5:16; 6:3
Cable, Juanita (Calif.), 3:30, 32
Caddell, Hank (Legal Services Corp. of Ala.), 10:54
Caliman, Alvis W. (Washington DC), 7:11a
Callahan, Daniel F. (Brookley), 5:67
Callahan, Joseph, S. J. (Holy Cross College), 13:12
Calvet, Ivis (Interracial Review), 1:10
Campion, Donald R., S. J. (America), 2:30; 8:4
Campbell, Dr. Ernest Q. (Vanderbilt Univ.), 7:11a
Campbell, Victor E. (Doubleday & Co.), 13:10
Campbell, W. E. (Immaculata College), 13:23
Cantwell, Rev. Daniel M. (Cath. Council on Working Life), 2:67
Cantwell, Rev. William J. (Our Mother of Mercy), 9:21
Caraher, Sister Patricia (Link), 6:53
Carew, Topper, 13:24
Carleton, John (St. Louis), 1:10
Carney Hospital (Boston), 1:44
Carol (sister), 1:10, 11; 10:24; 13:11
Caron, Mable (CCS), 1:9
Carr, Arlan (Montgomery), 3:27
Carroll, Damian (Passionist Provincialate), 13:25
Carroll, Patrick J., S. J. (Calif. Province), 10:24
Carter, Ace (WCC/KKK), 8:26
Carter, Father, 2:9
Carter, Hodding (The Delta Democrat-Times), 3:30, 31
Cartwright, Dorwin (Univ. of Michigan), 10:24
Casassa, Charles S., S. J. (Loyola-LA), 10:24
Case, Frances (Cavalcade of Books), 13:12, 25
Cassady, Gen. Emmet B. (Brookley AFB), 3:45b
Catholic Charities, 6:3
Catholic Conference on Industrial Problems, 5:27
Catholic Hour TV, 1:60
Catizone, Nicholas (Bishop Cheverus General Assembly), 13:23
Cazenavette, Jean J., S. J. (New Orleans Province), 5:77; 13:25
Ceely, William D. (Lackland AFB), 7:35
Chachere, Austin (The Missionary Servant), 1:7
Chachere, Earl (St. Mary’s Church), 2:27; 14:51
Chachere, Irene (New Orleans), 9:38
Champion Paper Co. (Pasadena, TX), 5:67
Chandler, Mary T. (Barrett School), 7:11a
Chapman, Ernest A. (Manna House), 8:33
Chenery, Janet (Simon & Schuster), 13:16
Chickie (Niece), 1:10, 11; 8:4
Ching, William (Sherman Oaks, CA), 1:10
Christenson, Wesley J. (HCC), 2:16
Christian, Dr. Raymond (Birmingham City Schools), 7:11a
Christian Prison Ministries, 5:48
Christopher, Sister Mary (Denver Province), 10:11
Church, Glenn (Calif.), 8:4
City of Buffalo, 7:38
Civil Liberties Union of Alabama, 9:76, 82
Clancy, Thomas H., S. J. (New Orleans Province), 1:11; 10:44
Clapp, Percy E. (Religious Society of Friends), 13:11
Clare, 1:8, 11
Clark, John W., S. J. (Loyola-Los Angeles), 10:24
Clarkson, Felix L. (Church of St. Charles), 1:35
Clavin, Rev. William F. (Our Lady of the Lake), 6:3
Clayton, John (Film maker), 13:23
Cleghorn, Reese (Atlanta Journal), 4:40
Clifford, Mother Elizabeth (COLR), 2:39
Clonmore & Reynolds (Ireland), 13:15, 16
Cocke, Albert K. (Tenn.), 9:68
Cohen, Oscar (ADL), 3:30
Cole, Kay (Randolph AFB), 6:3
Coleman, Warren (Rich Film Corp.), 2:27; 14:51
Colgan, Daniel T. (Saint John's Seminary), 13:10
Collins, Carl S. (Georgia), 13:23
Collins, Marcus W. (Univ. of Georgia), 13:10
Colonna, Jerry (Hollywood), 9:30
Community, 6:3
Community Corrections Consortium, 5:48
Conley, Sister Mary Kateri (Catholic Univ.), 15:40
Conlin, Audrey (Twentieth Century-Fox), 1:9
Connery, John R., S. J. (Chicago Province), 9:21
Connors, Kathy (Farrar, Straus), 1:47
Conrad, Eugene M. (Illinois), 1:10
Consolatrice, Mother Mary (Sisters of Charity, Iowa), 2:39
Constable, John (SRC), 3:28
Contemporary Films (New York), 3:28
Conway, Daniel H. (Loyola Univ.-LA), 13:11, 25
Conway, Rev. Jim (St. Phillip’s Parish), 10:11
Coolen, Rev. Anthony J. (Society of Missionaries of Africa), 9:21
CORE – 5:27
Corley, Francis J., S. J. (ISO), 10:2
Corley, Robert G. (NCCJ), 3:36
Corner, George W. (American Philosophical Assoc.), 3:10
Corwin, Norman (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer), 1:9, 11; 2:16; 3:29; 8:4; 13:11, 16, 25
Cosby, Rev. Paul (Elkmont), 3:27, 28
Cotter, Cornelius P. (USCRC), 3:8, 9
Cottle, Mrs. L. W. (Mobile), 3:28, 45b
Cottrol, Robert W. (Impact), 9:3; 13:23
Counts, Jack (Battle House Hotel), 9:30
Cox, Ray (Mobile County Republican Executive Committee), 8:26
Cox, Vivian K. (Calif.), 1:10; 6:3; 10:24
Coyle, A. D., S. J. (JHS-Tampa), 5:77
Craft, Kenry K. (NY), 2:16
Craig, Walter H. (Ala. Highway Dept.), 8:4
Cramer, Patrick (Victorian Village Inn), 13:25
Crandell, William (New Orleans Province), 2:9; 6:3; 7:20; 8:39; 9:21; 10:24; 13:11, 12, 13; 14:51
Crane, Harry L., S. J. (Provincial, New Orleans), 1:8; 2:9; 10:2
Crawford, Vernon (Mobile), 2:24
Crawley, Angela M. (Catholic Home Messenger), 13:11
Crockett, R. D. (Ala. State College), 3:27, 28, 30, 31, 32
Cronin, John, S. J. (Loyola Univ.-New Orleans), 2:40; 5:77
Crosby, Gary (Hollywood), 9:30
Crowley, John J., S. J. (Weston College), 2:9
Cruz, Sister Beatrice (Our Lady of Victory School), 10:11
Cudahy, Sheila (Farrar, Straus Publishers), 1:9, 35; 2:16, 27, 39; 3:30; 9:21; 13:11, 12, 13, 14, 15; 14:51
Cuddy, Rev. John (St. Joseph’s Church), 9:68
Cummings, Mary Lou (Knights of Columbus), 9:21
Cunningham, M. Augustine (Our Lady of Mepkin), 9:21
Cunnion, Theodore, S. J. (Loyola Seminary-NY), 2:39
Curran, Frank, S. J. (Loyola Univ.-NY), 2:16
Cushing, Richard Cardinal (Cardinal of Boston), 8:4


Dabbs, Dr. James McBride (Rip Raps Plantation), 7:11a
Daily, Rev. Thomas V. (Archdiocese of Boston), 9:68
D’Arcy, John M. (Diocese of Ft. Wayne), 1:61
Daley, Harry (NY), 1:61; 13:25
Daly, John, S. J. (Georgetown), 14:45
Daniel, Dr. V. E. (Ala. State College), 3:28
Daniels, Barbara N. (Chaparral Home), 10:11
Danner, Dorothy (See DaPonte, Dorothy)
DaPonte, Dorothy (Mobile), 3:28; 5:16; 10:44
Darnell, Linda (Hollywood) [See Robertson, Linda Darnell]
Dave (St. Louis), 1:11
Davis, Ann B. (Calif.), 3:29; 9:30
Davis, Keith (Arizona State Univ.), 5:67
Davis, Lambert (Univ. of North Carolina Press), 2:9
Davis, Leroy (Mobile Urban League), 10:54
Davis, Royden B., S. J. (Woodstock College), 2:16
Day, Dorothy (Catholic Worker), 13:11
Day, Gerry (New York), 13:16
DeBardeleben, Marcy C. (Shorter), 3:27
DeCosta, Julia (South Carolina), 13:15
Deis, Rev. Michael (Our Lady of the Snows), 9:21
Delaney, John J. (Doubleday), 2:16; 9:21
Delchamps, Alfred (Mobile), 3:28
Denson, Mrs. Clarence (Birmingham), 3:32
Derkits, John J. (Brookley), 3:45b; 5:67
Derrera, A. F., S. J. (Corpus Christi Minor Seminary), 5:77
Dickinson, Harry E. (Howard College), 3:34
D’Intino, E. J., 13:19
Disraeili, Robert (AJC), 6:3
Dittmann, Rev. Robert L. (Grace Lutheran Church), 6:3
Dolch, Kuna (Farrar, Straus), 1:46
Dominion Securities Corp., 7:10
Donaghan, Frances, 13:23
Donahue, E. J., S. J. (Our Lady of the Oaks), 2:40
Donellan, Thomas A. (Archbishop of Atlanta), 13:24
Donnell, Tom, S. J., 2:40
Donnellan, Rev. Thomas A. (Archbishop of Atlanta), 10:11
Donoho, Chester (Horine Presbyterian Church), 3:27
Donovan, Jeremiah, S. J. (HCC), 2:16
Donovan, Joseph P. (Kenrick Seminary), 2:9
Donovan, Rev. Samuel M. (The Church World), 13:11
Dorsey, Lynwood T. (Atlantic Coast Railroad), 3:8
Doubleday, 14:46
Dougherty, Mrs. James R. (Texas), 1:11; 2:39; 3:30; 4:21
Downey, Father Paul(Our Lady of Fatima), 4:4
Doyle, James “Pat” (HEW), 6:22
Dozier, William (CBS), 13:15
Drake, Thomas E., 13:11
Dramatists’ Guild, The (New York), 14:33
Drew, John J. (Birmingham), 3:32
Drinsen (?), Bob, S. J. (Weston College), 13:25
Driscoll, John (Batten, Barton - New York), 13:15
Druhan, D. Ross, S. J. (New Orleans Province), 2:39
Drummond, Burleigh B. (US Army - Pasadena), 6:3
Duffey, Rev. Paul A. (Dexter Ave. Meth. Church), 3:27
Dunbar, Leslie W. (SRC/FF), 3:33, 34, 40; 6:32; 10:71
Dunkle, W. F. (Grace Meth. Church), 3:30
Dunne, George H., S. J. (St. Francis Xavier), 7:38
DuPont, John (So. Ala. WCC), 8:26
Duran, Rev. Jorge (Guadalupe Atzlan School), 10:11
Durr, Clifford (Montgomery), 3:10, 27
Durr, Virginia (Montgomery), 3:27; 4:4; 6:3
Dwyer, John E., 8:4 E


East, P. D. (Hattiesburg), 3:36
Eastman Kodak, 1:35; 13:10
Echele, Cyril (Catholic Central Verein of America), 13:10
Eckert, Joseph F., 9:21
Eckert, Milton J. (Columbia Planograph Co.), 2:9
Eckl, Louis (Florence), 3:9; 4:4
Eddy, Mrs. James Lee J. (Taconic Foundation), 6:3
Edington, Rev. David H. (Spring Hill Pres. Church), 6:3
Edward, Sister Patricia (Daughters of St. Paul), 2:16
Edwards, John, S. J. (New Orleans Province), 2:16; 5:77; 8:39
Egan, Jack (Catholic Committee on Urban Ministry), 10:44
Egan, Richard (Calif.), 3:29
Eggert, Robert H. (General Communications), 13:24
Elaine, 3:29
Eleanor, 13:24
Electronics Industries Foundation (Washington DC), 6:4
Ellerin, Milton (AJC), 8:4
Elliott, William, S. J. (St. Francis Xavier, OR), 2:39
Ellis, Adam C., S. J. (West Baden College), 2:9
Ellis, John Tracy (Catholic Univ.), 2:9
Ellwanger, Rev. Joseph (St. Paul Luth. Church), 3:28
Elly, Mrs. Robert D. (Birmingham), 3:31
Elsner, Martin, S. J. (JHS-El Paso), 5:77; 10:11
Emerita, Sister Mary (St. Francis Xavier), 1:60
Engelhardt, Sam (Ala. Highway Dept.), 8:4
Enion, Richard A. (Handy Associates), 5:67
Erb, Charles G. (St. Mary’s Mission Home), 14:51
Erskine, M. (College of the Scared Heart), 1:35
Escallier, Lucien (Loyola PR Dept.), 13:11
Ethridge, Gene B. (Westminster Fellowship), 3:30, 31
Eva (Aunt), 1:9
Evans, Stella L. (Ebony), 9:8
Ezzes, Erwin H. (United Artists), 9:68


Facey, Rev. Paul (HCC), 13:11
Faherty, B., S. J., 9:21
Fallon, Francis J., S. J. (St. Andrew-on-Hudson), 2:39
Falkowski, Evelyn (Huntsville), 3:8
Family (written en masse to his family), 4:4
Fanning, Sister Mary Margaret (Villa Mercy), 10:44
Fannon, Peter J. (Prentice-Hall), 5:67
Farnam, Dr. Philip J. (New York), 8:4
Farrar, John (FSP), 1:44, 45; 2:27; 14:51
Farrar, Straus Publishers, 1:45, 46, 47, 60; 14:33
Farrell, A. J. (The Newman Club), 10:24
Father Chancellor, 13:10
Father Mac, 10:24
Father Nicholas, 6:3
Father Provincial (Oregon Province), 1:8
Father Robert (Sienna College), 6:3
Faulkner, Joseph C., S. J. (Messenger of the Sacred Heart), 13:11
Fearns, John M. (St. Joseph's Seminary), 13:11
Feely, Raymond T., S. J. (Univ. of San Francisco), 10:24
Feeney, Daniel J. (Auxiliary Bishop of Portland), 13:10
Feigenbaum, Mort (ADL), 7:38
Feldhake, Edith (Co-op Parish Activities Service, Illinois), 1:8
Ferguson, R. (Mobile), 3:45b
Ferguson, R. T. (St. Regis Paper Co.), 2:39
Ferrell, Rev. H. Albion (Washington DC), 3:29
Ferreri, Frank J. (Calif.), 13:14, 24
Ferrier, Francis, S. J. (Strake Jesuit College), 1:35
Ficks, Bill (Bill Ficks Enterprises), 9:68; 13:24, 25; 15:30
Field, John G. (City of Toledo), 3:45b
Field Foundation, The (NY), 3:29, 31; 6:32
Fielder, Dr. Marie (UC-Berkeley), 7:11a
Finch, Harold (Georgia), 13:23, 24
Fineran, A. Gerard, S. J. (New Orleans Province), 13:16
Fink, F. A. (Our Sunday Visitor), 13:11
Fink, Rev. Salvator (At. Anthony’s Guild), 13:23
Finley, Mark (Playwright), 13:24, 25
Finley, Murray (Houston), 5:67
Fisher, James (Twentieth Century-Fox), 13:16
Fitch, Eleanor Sherman (NY), 1:60
Fitz (Fitzgerald?), Joe (Colegio San Ignacio), 6:3
Fitzgerald, William F. (NCCJ), 10:24
Fitzpatrick, Rev. John J. (National Conference of Catholic Bishops), 10:11
Fitzpatrick, Joseph, S. J. (Fordham), 7:35
Fitzpatrick, Leonard T. (Cadiz), 14:51
Flaherty, Walter L. (Boston Archdiocese), 1:60
Flanagan, Dave (St. Louis), 9:68
Flanagan, Rev. John W. (Mobile), 3:34, 45b
Fleming, Harold (SRC), 3:28, 30; 10:71
Fleming, John M. (Cardinal Spellman’s Office), 13:13
Fleschner, Malcolm K. (New York), 3:32
Flieschman, Harry (National Labor Service), 3:28
Flynn, Robert A. (Flynn Books), 13:25
Foley, Bernard (?), 13:12
Foley, Donald I. (Brother), 1:10, 35, 60
Foley, John J., S. J. (Milwaukee Province), 9:21
Folks (family), 8:4; 9:30
Foltz, Rev. Henri I. (Diocese of Wilmington), 3:30
Ford, Tony (Gaylord Production Co.), 1:48
Ford, William (Florence), 3:27
Fort Rucker Army Aviation Center, 5:67
Foster, L. H. (Tuskegee Institute), 3:27, 30, 31, 32, 34
Foster, Vera C. (Tuskegee Institute), 3:8, 10; 4:4
Foyer, Bernie (Calif.), 10:32; 13:14, 15, 16
Franchetti, Jack (Catholic Relief Services), 10:44
Francis, Dale (Our Sunday Visitor), 1:61; 13:25
Francis, Rev. Joseph A. (Bishop of NJ), 10:11
Frank, Rabbi Emmet A. (Beth El-VA), 3:29, 30
Franklin, Samuel F. (Stillman College), 3:31
Fredericks, Dave (The Jeffersonian), 3:32
Freedman, Florence B. (City Univ. of New York), 2:16; 13:18
Freedman, Theodore (ADL), 7:35
Freeman, A. M. (Montevallo), 3:31, 32
French, W. W. (Birmingham), 3:33
Fried, Jerome (Calif.), 14:45, 46
Friendship House, 6:3
Fund for the Republic, 1:9; 3:28; 6:3


Gaddis, William (Calif.), 13:25
Gaines, Blanche (New York), 13:15
Gallagher, Vernon F. (Congregation of the Holy Ghost), 9:21
Gallagher, William (HCC), 13:11
Gandy, Samuel L. (Dillard Univ.), 3:30
Gang, Martin (Gang, Tyre-Hollywood), 1:11, 60, 61; 2:16; 3:29, 35; 6:32; 8:4; 9:30; 10:24; 13:12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, 24, 25
Ganss, George E., S. J. (Institute of Jesuit Sources), 2:16
Gara, Larry (Grove City College), 1:10
Gardner, Deloris (Foley secy), 6:3
Garrison, Karl G. Jr. (St. Bartholomew's Epis. Church), 10:71
Geluarde, Alix McQueen (Calif.), 3:29; 8:4; 9:38
Gendron, John (Atlantic Richfield), 1:11
Gert (?Step-mother), 1:10
Gibson, William (Ala. State College), 3:28
Gilbert, Rabbi Arthur (NCCJ), 6:3
Gilchrist, John Stephen (Boston), 7:38; 13:10
Gill, Mrs. H. W. (Mobile), 1:11
Gilligan, Rev. Francis J. (The St. Paul Seminary), 13:11
Gingras, George L. (St. Augustine Church), 2:9
Ginzberg, Dr. Eli (Conservation of Human Resources), 3:33
Giroux, Robert (FSP/Harcourt, Brace), 13:11, 15; 14:46
Glennon, Bishop John J. (Archbishop of St. Louis), 5:27
Goldman, Milton (Ashley-Steiner), 10:32
Gomillion, Charles G. (Tuskegee Institute), 3:26, 34
Goode, Dr. E. B. (Mobile), 3:33, 34
Goode, Mrs. E. B. (Mobile), 3:29, 32
Goode, Esie M. (ACHR), 3:34
Goodrum, Charles A. (Library of Congress), 3:33
Goodson, Rev. Bob (First Presby. Church), 3:31
Gottlober, Abe (Brentwood, CA), 1:10
Gottlober, Helen (Brentwood, CA), 6:3
Gracida, Rev. Rene H. (Bishop of Pensacola), 10:11
Grady, Rev. Thomas J. (Bishop of Orlando), 10:11
Grave, Sister (Sacred Heart Academy), 1:35
Graves, Pat (St. Mary Rest Home), 10:11
Gray, Fred D. (Montgomery), 3:9
Gray, Arthur D. (Talladega College), 3:8, 28, 31, 32
Gray, William H., 3:30
Green, James J. (Notre Dame), 13:10
Gregory, Welton (Ala.-W.Fla. Meth. Conference), 3:27, 28, 29, 40
Greenblatt, Susan L. (Harvard Univ.), 2:24
Greenfeld, Alexander (Attorney Gen.-Delaware), 3:37
Greer, Jep (Sylacauga News), 8:4
Greiwe, Sister (Sacred Heart Convent), 1:35
Gremley, William H. (city of Kansas City & city of Cleveland), 3:45b; 7:20
Grey, Dr. A. D. (Talladega College), 3:27
Griffin, Carl (Birmingham), 3:28
Griffin, Irene Dunne (Calif.), 3:29
Gross, Carl H. (Michigan State Univ.), 6:3
Grozier, Richard (Mass.), 1:10; 13:16
Gurney, William John (Boston), 13:10
Gushue, Patricia (Penn.), 13:24
Guzman, Mrs. Jessie P. (Tuskegee Institute), 8:4


Hacala, Joseph R., S. J. (Jesuit Social Ministries), 6:3
Haday (?), H. E. (Jacksonville), 13:23
Hafler, Voncille (MACAC), 6:22
Hahn, Maxwell (FF), 3:29, 31
Hale, Max (Auburn Wesley Foundation), 3:30
Hale, Nena, 3:30
Haley, Jack, 13:14, 15, 24; 14:45
Hall, Grover C. Jr. (Montgomery Advertiser), 8:26
Hall, Dr. Harry O. (Univ. of Miami), 7:11a
Halleran, W. J. (Halleran Agency), 13:10
Hallett, Garth, S. J. (Loyola Univ.-New Orleans), 1:10
Hallett, Paul H. (The Register), 13:10
Hampton, Diane, 10:44
Hanley, Carl (city of Cleveland), 7:20
Hanley, Grace, 13:15
Hanley, P., 1:35
Hansen, Roger (UAB Medical Center), 3:8
Hardey, Phil, S. J. (Spring Hill), 1:35
Harling, Susan (Kappa Kappa Gamma), 7:35
Harper, Michael H. (Harper & Bros.), 2:9
Harrington, Bonnie L. (Negro Universities Press), 1:11
Harrington, Edward T. (Regis College), 13:10
Harrington, John H. (The New Catholic Encyclopedia), 2:73
Harris, A. H. (Gulf City Rescue Mission), 4:40
Harris, Charles (Amistad Press), 2:9
Harris, Mrs. William F. (Georgia), 1:11
Harris, William T. (US Dept. of Labor), 3:10
Harrison, John, 13:10
Hart, Rev. Daniel A. (Boston Diocese), 2:16
Hartley, Bertha (Calif.), 3:29
Hartnett, Father Robert C. (America), 5:16; 9:21
Hastings, Paul D. (North Carolina), 4:40
Hauser, M. S. (The Ohio Oil Co.), 5:67
Hawkes, Benjamin G. (Archdiocese of Los Angeles), 10:24
Hayden, Lucius (Tuskegee Institute), 5:67
Hayes, J. William (Calif.), 3:29
Hayes, James L. (Duquesne Univ./St. Bonaventure), 5:67; 15:40
Hazen, Joseph N. (Hotel Pierre), 13:16
Head, G. W. (National Cash Register), 3:36
Head, James (Birmingham), 3:10; 4:4
Headstart, 6:19, 22
Heagney, Anne (Arkansas), 13:15
Healey, Edward V. (Rhode Island Family Court), 14:46
Healey, John W., S. J. (Woodstock College), 2:16
Healy, Anne M. (Penn.), 13:11
Healy, James A. (New York), 9:21; 13:10, 11, 12, 15, 16
Healy, Katharyn S. (Mayo Clinic), 13:12
Healy, Timothy, S. J. (Georgetown), 14:46
Hechtlinger, Dorothy (Theater Guild), 13:13
Heeg, Aloysius, S. J. (The Queen’s Work), 1:7
Heidenry, John J. (B. Herder Books), 13:16
Heithaus, Claude, S. J. (Marquette Univ.), 2:6a
Heller, Vendy, 3:30
Helmers, 13:23
Hemesath, Sister Caroline (Immaculate Conception Convent), 13:18
Henderson, Elmer J. (Thought), 13:11
Henderson, Mandri, 3:30
Henican, C. Ellis (New Orleans), 3:34, 45b
Henle, R. J., S. J. (Georgetown Univ.), 2:16; 13:16; 14:45
Hennessy, Mary Lou (Community), 6:3
Henry, Ed (Calif.), 3:29
Henry, Wilma Dean (New Orleans), 1:10
Herb (Nephew), 1:11
Herlihy, James F. (Blessed Trinity Church), 1:11
Herr, Dan (Books on Trial), 13:11
Hesler, Raymond F. (Saint Charles College), 13:10
HEW, 6:3, 22
Hewett, Robert, S. J. (Cheverus High School), 13:11, 12
Heyer, Robert (Sheed & Ward), 13:25
Heyrock, James O., 3:8
Hicks, Elizabeth (Talladega), 4:40
Hilda (?), 1:10
Hill, Mozell C. (Atlanta Univ.), 7:11a, 38
Hirshberg, Jack (The Mirisch Co.), 9:30
Hoade, Martin (NBC), 1:60
Hoenig, Father Alfred (Corpus Christi College Academy), 5:16
Hoey, Jane M. (New York), 3:29, 30; 5:67; 6:3; 13:11, 13
Hoffman, L. Richard (Univ. of Michigan), 5:67
Hoffman, Robert A. (City of Buffalo), 3:45b
Hogan, Joan (Mobile), 1:9
Hogan, Rev. Peter (Josephite Archives), 9:21
Hogan, Father William (Holy Angels Church), 3:30
Holden, Vincent F. (Church of St. Paul the Apostle), 2:16; 13:14
Holland, DeLacee (Birmingham), 7:11a
Hollander, Rhoda (Twentieth Century-Fox), 9:30
Holverstott, Lyle J. (National Archives), 9:68; 13:15
Hood, Arthur A. (American Lumberman), 5:67
Hoover, Herbert, 13:15
Hoover, John Edgar (FBI), 3:8; 5:2
Hope, Bob (Hollywood), 9:38
Hope, Jack (Paramount), 9:30
Horgan, John (St. Anne’s Catholic Church), 3:29
Houston, Jerry (Los Angeles), 13:12
Howard, Roy, S. J. (SHC), 8:42
Howe, Harold III (US Commission on Education), 7:11a
Howze, Joseph Lawson E. (St. Lawrence Church/Diocese of Biloxi), 9:8
Hudgens, Betty, 10:44
Hudon, Edward J. (Maine), 1:60; 13:11, 12
Hughes, Riley (Georgetown Univ. Press), 2:16
Hughes, Robert E. (ACHR), 3:26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 36, 40, 45b; 8:4; 10:71
Hunt, Mrs. Jasper (Mobile), 5:48
Hunter, David R. (Stern Family Fund), 6:32
Hunter, Duncan (First Methodist Church), 3:27; 9:3; 10:71
Huntley, Chet (NBC), 3:36
Hunton, George K. (Interracial Review), 1:60; 2:9; 9:21; 13:10, 11, 12, 14; 14:51
Hurley, Ruby (Birmingham), 3:26
Hutchins, Robert M. (FR), 1:9
Hyle, Rev. Michael W. (Diocese of Wilmington), 3:30


Igel, A. A. (St. Pius Holy Name Society), 2:57
Ignatius, Sister Mary (St. Joseph’s Convent), 1:60; 13:12
Imprimi Potest, 2:9, 17
Institute of Social Order, 10:2 (See also various correspondence in Personal, Correspondence)
Irby, William G. (Sylacauga), 3:27


Jacob, Mrs. F. W. (Maine Author Collection), 13:13
Jacobson, Mrs. Bernard (Pensacola), 3:45b
Jaffe, Marc (Villard Books), 1:48
James Thomas O. (SHC), 9:21
James, Rev. William (City of St. Jude), 8:4
Janssens, Joannes Baptist (Society of Jesus, Rome), 2:16; 10:24, 14:45, 51
Jarmon, Rev. A. Hensen (Shiloh Baptist Church), 3:30
Jenkins, Sam (International Paper), 6:3
Jernigan, Ruth (Mobile Mental Health Assoc.), 6:3
Jerome and Grace (?), 1:60; 13:11, 25
Jesuit Volunteer Corps, 10:11
Jim, 10:24
Jimerson, Norman (ACHR), 3:31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36; 4:4
Joan-Marie, 1:8, 11
John, 1:46
John G. & Marie Stella Kenedy Foundation, The (TX), 6:3
John, Harry G. (Santa Fe Communications), 13:24
Johnson, Alvin D. (Colorado), 3:30
Johnson, Clifton H. (Amistad Research Center), 1:11
Johnson, Donald W. (American Bible Society), 14:51
Johnson, Paul H. (U.S. Coast Guard Academy), 9:68; 13:16, 23, 25
Johnson, Walter (US Army-Pasadena), 6:3
Jonas, Dr. L. K. (Eldeco Corp.), 5:67
Jones, Samuel L. (MCA), 6:19, 56
Jordan, Vernon (Urban League), 8:4
Joyce, Father Brice (Florence), 3:36
Julian, George, O. M. I. (St. Louis Cathedral), 1:10
Julietta, Sister Mary (Mundelein College), 2:39
Jung, Moses (AJC), 1:9
Just One Break (NY), 6:4
J. Walter Thompson Production, 1:46


Kahn, Roy (ADL), 8:4
Kammer, Alfred C., S. J. (JVC), 10:11
Kammer, Fred, S. J. (New Orleans Province), 10:44
Kammer, Mike, S. J. (St. Mary’s), 10:2
Kammerer, Raymond (College of Mt. St. Joseph), 1:61; 13:23
Kane, John J. (Notre Dame), 1:9
Katz, Rev. Mother (COLC), 2:40
Kauffman, Christopher J. (U.S. Catholic Historical Society), 9:21
Keating, Mother E. (Cenacle Convent), 2:40
Kerns, J. Harvey (Urban League), 6:3
Kelley, Sister Maureen (Most Pure Heart of Mary), 8:33
Kellman, George (AJC), 1:10
Kelly, Gerald, S. J. (St. Mary’s), 1:7; 13:10
Kennedy, William C. (HCC), 2:16
Kenny, Dumont (NCCJ), 3:35
Kenny, Harry (St. Regis Hotel), 2:40
Kent, Marion I. (Marshall Space Center), 3:10
Kerns, Mrs. Victor, 3:27
Kerr, J. Emerson (Brookley), 5:67
Kerr, Mrs. Walter F. (New York), 10:32
Kiley, Philip S. (Mass.), 2:16
Kilp, Alfred, S. J. (Loyola Univ.-LA), 6:3
King, Coretta Scott, 4:40
King, Martin Luther Jr. (SCLC), 4:40
Kirk, James H. (Loyola-LA), 9:21; 10:24
Kirsch, Mary D. (Montgomery), 10:44
Kitz, Miriam T. (RI), 13:15
Koch, Patrick H., S. J. (JHS-New Orleans), 5:77
Knaebel, Rev. Bonaventure (St. Meinrad Archabbey), 9:21
Knebel, Fletcher (Look Magazine), 8:4
Knight, Janet (Sheed and Ward), 13:10
Knight, Mabel C. (The Catholic Interracialist), 2:57
Kramer, Rev. Edward C. (Our Colored Missions), 13:11
Kraus, Frederick W. (Veterans Adm.), 3:30, 31, 32, 36 Krents, Milton E. (AJC), 10:32; 13:13, 14


LaFarge, John, S. J. (America), 2:9; 10:2; 13:11, 13; 14:9, 45, 51
Lagatol, Mrs. A. (NJ), 1:60
LaLande, Elbert J. (SHC), 8:33
Lalley, Rev. Francis J. (The Boston Pilot), 13:11
Lambert, James L., S. J. (SHC), 8:33
Lambert, R. (Calvert House), 9:21
Lambert, Dr. Robert A. (Fairhope), 3:45b; 13:15
Lamont, John S. (Rinehart Publishers), 2:9
Landes, Carl J. (Southern Union College), 3:28, 29
Landrum, Charles Logan (Evergreen Presby. Church), 3:27
Lang, E. Cecil, S. J. (Ponchatoula), 1:10
Langan, Joseph (Mayor of Mobile), 3:36, 45b
Larkin, Rev. W. Thomas (Bishop of St. Petersburg), 10:11
Latson, Dr. John W. (Atlanta Public Schools), 7:11a
Laub, John H. (City of Detroit), 3:45b
Laux, P. A. (Georgetown), 2:16
Laycock, Edward (Boston), 13:11
Leavitt, Ned (G.P. Putnam’s Sons), 14:45
LeDoux, Louis V. (St. Mary’s Church), 14:51
Le Duc, Sister Alma (Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration), 9:68
Lee, Dorothy (CCSR), 3:28; 8:4
Leff, Marvin (AJC), 8:4
LeFlore, John L. (Non-Partisan Voters League), 3:33, 45b
LeFlore, John L. III (Calif.), 9:21
Leininger, Charles A., S. J. (New Orleans Province), 14:45
Leipzig, Francis P. (Former Bishop of Baker), 14:51
Leist, Rev. Marvin A. (Ohio), 3:27
Lenny, John F., S. J. (Baltimore), 14:45
Leon, Tofey (Greater Gulf State Fair), 8:39
Leonard, Stephen (JVC), 10:11
Lesieur, R. (Grand Seminaire de Saint-Sulpice), 13:11
Lessard, Rev. Raymond W. (Bishop of Savannah), 10:11; 13:24
Lesser, Saal (ADL), 7:38
Letson, John T. (Atlanta Public Schools), 7:11a
Levin, Arthur J. (ADL), 3:28, 30; 7:38
Levine, Arnold (Univ. of Ala.), 3:9
Lewis, Alfred Baker (NAACP), 3:34, 35
Lewis, Carlos A. (St. Augustine’s Seminary), 1:60; 14:51
Lewis, Gerald, S. V. D., 1:9
Li, Mabel (Interracial Review), 9:21
Library of Congress, 1:35; 3:33; 13:24
Lichten, Joseph (ADL), 3:35
Life Enterprises Unlimited, 9:3
Liguori, Sister Mary (Mundelein College), 2:39
Lincoln, C. Eric (Clark College), 3:33, 45b
Lines, Alva (Southeastern Film Production), 1:35
Lipscomb, J. Andrew (USCRC), 3:10
Lipscomb, Oscar (Mobile diocese), 1:61; 5:16; 9:3; 10:44
Listerman, E. J. (Social Security-Birmingham), 3:9; 7:11a
Litsinger, Elizabeth C. (Enoch Pratt Free Library), 2:9
Littlefield, Martin (Vantage Press), 2:16
Litton Industries Foundation, 6:19
Lobman, Bernard (Montgomery), 3:28
Locklair, “Wink,” (Univ. News Bureau), 2:9
Lockwood, Robert T. (Our Sunday Visitor), 13:25
Loesch, L. F. (Mobile Air Materiel Area), 3:45b
Loescher, Frank S. (FF), 6:3
Long, Margaret (Atlanta), 3:45b
Loomis, Robert D. (Random House), 13:24
Loudermilca, C. Wayne (Mobile), 5:48
Lourdes, Sister Mary de (St. Joseph College), 13:12
Love, Paul L. (Baltimore Archdiocese), 2:9
Lovejoy, Dr. Gordon W. (Guilford College), 7:38
Lovett, Moncenya (Mobile Urban League), 10:54
Lovett, W. J. (Mobile Urban League), 10:54
Lowery, E. Sperlin (HEW), 6:4
Lowery, Rev. Joseph E. (The Methodist Church), 3:33, 45b
Loyola University Press, 2:16
Lozier, Kenneth D. (St. Regis Paper Co.), 2:39
Lucey, Muff (JVC), 10:11
Lucey, William L. (HCC), 2:16; 13:12, 13
Lukas, Edwin J. (AJC), 1:60; 3:30, 32, 35, 4:40; 6:3; 7:38; 8:4; 9:30; 10:32; 13:13
Lundberg, Horace W. (Arizona State), 1:11
Lundy, George F., S. J. (Institute of Human Relations), 10:11
Lynch, Kevin A. (Paulist Press), 14:46
Lynette, C. Franklyn, S. J. (RRC, St. Mary’s), 1:8


Mack, Father Provincial (Society of the Divine Word), 14:51
MacNair, Everett W. (Talladega College), 3:28
MacNeil, Sidney M. (Baghdad College), 13:12
Madden, Thomas J., S. J. (SHC), 6:3; 7:38; 8:39
Magnin, Frank R. (The Sign), 13:11
Maier, Norman (Park Ave. Hotel), 5:67
Majoli, Michael B., S. J. (New Orleans Province), 1:35; 2:16; 13:14; 14:45
Mallet, Rev. Charles J. (Louisiana), 15:40
Malloy, W. C. (NCCJ), 7:35
Malone, William (Mobile), 3:9
Maltz, Ben (Calif.), 10:24
Mann, Dr. Floyd (Univ. of Michigan), 5:67
Manning, Timothy (Auxiliary Bishop of Los Angeles), 10:24
Mannion, John B. (NCCM), 1:60
Marciniak, Ed (Catholic Labor Alliance), 13:11
Marino, Rev. Eugene J. (The Catholic Center), 13:25
Markham, Mary (Mary Markham Productions, LA), 1:9, 10; 2:30; 3:30; 6:3; 8:4, 39; 9:30, 38; 10:24; 13:15, 16, 17, 22
Markson, Raya L. (Talent Agent), 13:23
Markwalter, John E. (The Catholic Banner), 13:23
Marlow, Joan (The Berkley Publishing Group), 1:61
Maree, Andy (Charles B. Block & Assoc.), 13:24
Marshall, Blanchard, 9:3
Marshall, Burke (Dept. of Justice), 3:8; 5:2
Marshall, John H. (Marion), 9:8
Marston, Joseph Lanaux (Diocesan Pastoral Council), 10:44
Marten, John S. (Marten House), 13:24
Martin, Rev. John Sinnott (Catholic Review), 13:11
Martin, R. J. (Georgia), 13:25
Matre, Marc (Univ. of South Alabama), 2:24
Matthews, James (Brookley AFB), 3:45b
Maulitz, Herbert (ADL), 8:4
Maupin, John M. (Batten, Barton, Durstine & Osborn), 13:15
Maurer, Mother M. (CC), 2:40
May, Bishop John L. (Mobile), 5:48; 8:4; 10:44
May, O. H. (May Supply Co.), 3:28
McAllister, Lawrence E. (NY), 13:24
McAuley, Mary Grace (New Jersey), 13:16
McAvoy, Thomas T. (Notre Dame), 13:10, 11
McCabe, Mother Anna (COLC), 13:12
McCaffrey, Roger A. (Drama of Truth), 13:25
McCarthy, J. H. (St. Regis Paper Co.), 2:39
McCarthy, Patrick L. (HCC), 2:16; 14:46
McClaskey, Beryl R. (Birmingham), 3:28
McConnell, John W. (Mobile), 3:32, 33
McConville, Sister A. (CC), 2:40
McCoon, Margaret M. (Halleran Agency), 13:11
McCown, J. H., “Hooty,” S. J. (RRC, St. Mary’s), 1:7, 8; 5:2; 10:2
McCue, Rodolphe Anthony (Philadelphia), 13:12
McCusker, William C., S. J. (Regis High School), 2:39, 40
McDevitt, Rev. Anthony (CPD), 9:49
McDevitt, John (Knights of Columbus), 13:19
McDonagh, Richard P. (J. Walter Thompson Productions), 13:13
McDonnell, Lorraine M. (Rand Corp.), 2:24
McGarry, Mother Mary (COLC), 2:39, 40
McGhirckey, Joseph (St. Mary’s Rectory), 13:12
McGinty, John J., S. J. (New York Province), 9:21
McGonigle, Dr. John F. (LA), 1:10
McGrath, Brian A., S. J. (Georgetown), 2:16
McGuire, Susan (FSP), 13:24
McHugh, Thomas (Michigan), 3:30
McIntyre, James Francis Cardinal (Cardinal of Los Angeles), 10:24
McKenna, Frank (NJ), 13:24
McKinney, Louise R. (Tuscaloosa Council on Human Relations), 3:45b
McLaughlin, Edward D. (Jacksonville), 3:9; 4:4, 40
McLaughlin, Jack (United Artists), 9:68
McLaughlin, Pat (FSP), 13:11, 12
McLeod, Frances P. (Montgomery), 3:10; 4:4
McLeod, Mrs. J. F. (Montgomery), 3:27
McLeod, Jim (JHS-Tampa), 6:32
McLeod, Rev. Powers (Auburn), 3:9, 34
McMahon, Dr. John L. (OLLC), 7:35
McMain, Mary B. (Washington DC), 13:11
McNeal, Edward J. (Maryland), 13:24
McQueen, Alix Geluardi (See Geluardi, Alex McQueen)
McQuown, Noel A., 10:24
McWilliams, Dr. E. R. (NCCJ), 8:4
Meagher, Walter J. (College of the Holy Cross), 1:60; 2:16; 13:10, 11, 12, 23; 14:46
Meehan, Rev. Thomas A. (The New World), 13:11
Meherg, James D. (North Central Alabama Mental Health Center), 6:3
Melchior, Mary Markham (See Markham, Mary)
Mendez, Servando, S. J. (St. Charles College), 5:771
Menicucci, Mary (Birthright of Albuquerque), 10:11
Merchants National Bank, 5:67
Merrill, W. D. (Jackson), 1:10
Merritt, Wayne T. (McGill-Toolen High School), 10:44
Mersinger, Will (B. Herder Books), 2:40
Mertz, Paul E. (Univ. of Wis), 2:43
Meyer, Bob (Searcy Hospital), 6:3
Meyer, Irma (Mobile Public Library), 2:40
Meyer, Stanley, 13:13
Miceli, Vincent P., S. J. (Fordham Univ.), 3:30
Militano, Mary Frances (Mobile), 1:10
Millar, Mack (Calif.), 9:30
Miller, J. Carlisle (United Methodist Church), 10:44
Miller, Richard R. (NC), 14:51
Mills, Irving (Calif.), 10:24
Mills, James E. (Birmingham Post-Herald), 4:40
Mitchell, Ann (Murphy High School) 3:36
Mitchell, Dr. George S. (SRC), 7:38; 10:71
Mitchell, Louis L. (USCRC), 3:10
Mitchell, William P. (Tuskegee Civic Assoc.), 3:9
Mobile Area Community Action Committee, 6:22
Mobile Community Action, 6:56
Mobile Community Organization, 10:36
Mobile Mayor’s Human Relations Commission, 8:4
Mobile Social Justice Commission, 9:76
Mobile Terrace Quilters & Friends, 6:56
Mobile Urban League, 10:54
Mollie, 1:60
Molloy, Father, 2:57
Montgomery, Fred D. (Talladega College), 3:27, 31
Mooney, Theodore (Diocese of Montreal), 13:11
Moore, James E. (Moore & Simon), 7:38
Moran, Daniel E. (Mass.), 13:13
Morgan, Charles (Morgan & Shores), 3:30, 35
Morkovsky, Rev. John L. (Bishop of Galveston-Houston), 10:11
Morland, Dr. Kenneth (Randolph-Macon College), 7:11a
Morris, Dr. Eddie W. (Kentucky State), 7:11a
Morton, Annie E. (Court of Ordinary, Georgia), 13:10
Moseley, L. B. (Tourist Church), 3:30
Mosier, Mildred (Calif.), 3:29
Mosley, James E. (Church of St. Augustine), 9:21
Motley, Rev. D. L. (Plateau), 6:32
Mother, 1:10
Mozina, Mother Elizabeth (CRH), 2:40
Mueller, Rev. Martin M. (Our Lady of Sorrows), 5:48
Mulhern, Joseph C. (SHC), 5:67; 8:42
Munneke, Dr. Leslie E. (Univ. of Houston), 5:67
Murphy, Harrison (The Lamp), 13:11
Murphy, Dr. Jay W. (Tuscaloosa), 3:28
Murphy, Josephine Ryan (Chicago), 1:8
Murphy, Robert J., S. J. (Milford Novitiate), 2:39
Murphy, Sister Angela (CRH), 2:40
Murray, E. G. (St. Regis Paper Co.), 2:39
Murray, George (National Commission on Catholic Action Study), 1:7
Murray, Jerome S. (Washington, D.C.), 1:11; 5:67; 8:4; 13:11, 21, 24; 14:45
Murray, Reverend Mother (Hotel Dieu Hospital), 13:10
Murray, Thomas M. (Olin Chemical), 5:67


NAACP, 8:4
National Council of Christians & Jews, 8:4
National Right to Life Committee, 9:3
National Trust Company, 7:10
Naughton, James W., S. J. (Society of Jesus, Rome), 2:16; 14:45, 51
Navarre, Claire U. (Texas), 13:18
NBC, 1:60
Neely, Mabel L. (Ala. Assoc. of Women’s Clubs), 3:28
Negro Child, The, 13:11
Nelson, Rev. Dotson M. (Mountain Brook Baptist Church), 10:44
Nelson, John P. (New Orleans), 3:45b
Newman, Richard (Lambeth Press/Garland Publ.), 2:16, 47; 13:24
Nickels, Marilyn W. (U.S. Catholic Historian), 9:21
Niedergeses, Rev. James D. (Bishop of Nashville), 10:11
Nixon, John (Anniston), 3:10
Noar, Gertrude (ADL), 7:38
Nordan, Pierrette (Washington DC), 1:10; 13:22
North, Rev. William (The Tidings), 13:11
Norville, Bill, S. J. (St. Charles College), 1:7
Nuesse, C. Joseph (The New Catholic Encyclopedia), 2:73


O’Boyle, Patrick A. (Archbishop of Washington), 2:9
O’Brian, Hugh (Hollywood), 9:30
O’Brien, Edward H., S. J. (St. Mary’s, Kansas), 5:27
O’Brien, Erin (Hollywood), 9:30
O’Brien, Joseph D., S. J. (Province of Calif.), 10:24
O’Brien, Marie B. (Philadelphia), 13:13
O’Brien, Sister B. (CRH), 2:40
Ochs, Steve (Georgetown Preparatory School), 1:11
O’Connor, Daniel (US Army-Pasadena), 6:3
O’Connor, John J. (Maryland), 1:11, 60; 2:9; 6:3; 13:10
O’Connor, T. A. (Jesuit Retreat House), 13:13
O’Connor, Thomas H. (Boston College), 13:24
O’Dea, Rev. George F. (Josephite Fathers), 9:21
Oden, Kenneth (Perkins, Davis, Oden), 6:3
O’Donnell, Thomas, S. J. (Georgetown), 2:16
O’Donoghue, Margaret M. (The Christ Child Society), 2:9
O’Hanlon, Sister Mary Ellen (Rosary College), 9:21; 14:51
O’Hare, Margaret B. (Mass.), 13:13
O’Hayer, Eileen (Extension), 13:12
O’Keefe, Rev. Gerald (St. Paul Diocese), 15:40
O’Leary, Edward C. (Vice-Chancellor, Portland), 13:10, 13, 16
Oliver, C. Herbert (Birmingham), 3:29, 30, 32, 36
Oliver, Rev. Leonard J. (St. Augustine’s Seminary), 9:21
Olivier, Harry T., S. J. (Loyola-LA), 10:24
O’Neill, Laurence M., S. J. (Pass Christian), 1:9, 35; 13:15; 14:45; 15:40
O’Neill, Lawrence, S. J. (St. Marys Rectory), 10:24
Orr, C. W. (Alabama A&M), 3:8
Orrange, Robert J. (Huntsville), 3:35
Osborne, William (St. John’s Univ.), 2:24
Osborne, William A. (St. Joseph College), 5:16
O’Shea, Rev. James P. (Southern Cross), 13:11
Ostermann, Robert (The Voice of St. Jude), 8:4
O’Sullivan (Integrity), 1:9
Otey, Mrs. Frank (CIC), 2:57
Owens, Olga (Boston), 13:11


Pace, Robert N. (VA), 5:67
Padgett, Cecil (SHC), 6:3
Paige, Lee (New Orleans), 9:30
Paprocki, John L. (Saint Cecilia Parish), 1:11
Parker, Katharine O. (Mass.), 2:24
Parsons, Jack (Episcopal Diocese of the Central Gulf Coast), 10:44
Parsons, Robert, S. J. (Old St. Josephs Church), 13:14
Parsons, Wilfred, S. J. (Carroll House), 2:9
Partridge, Daniel, S. J. (Our Lady of the Oaks Retreat House), 1:35
Paster, Nicholas (AFSC), 3:30
Patterson, Barbara (New York), 13:13
Patterson, Rev. Bernardin (St. Maur’s Priory), 9:21
Patton, Marion (Doubleday & Co.), 13:10
Paul, Marian Devereaux (Geneva, Ala.), 3:8
Paulist Press, 14:46
Peck, John (FSP), 13:11, 12, 13
Pereda, Mother (COLR), 2:40
Perot, Ruth Shields (Mobile), 1:11
Perry, Mrs. Billie Jo (United Methodist Church), 10:44
Perry, Bishop Harold R. (Archdiocese of New Orleans), 9:21
Pfeiffer, A. C. Jr. (Home Savings & Loan), 9:30
Phillips, Monica I. (Impact), 9:8
Pierce, J. E. (Montgomery), 3:32
Piepkorn, Arthur C. (Concordia Seminary), 8:4
Pilot Industries, Inc. (NY), 6:4
Pitts, Lucius (Miles College), 4:4
Plitt, Henry (Paramount-Gulf Theaters), 9:30
Pogue, Jerry (Mobile), 1:11; 6:53
Porter, Herman A. (Cath. Information Counseling Cntr.), 9:21
Portz, Rev. Alexius T. (St. John’s University), 15:40
Potvin, Father R. H. (Catholic Univ.), 6:3
Powell, Dick (Four State Television), 13:15
President’s Committee for the Employment of the Handicapped (Washington DC), 6:4
Prestwood, Charles M. (Eutaw), 3:31, 34; 4:4, 40
Price, Clarence L. (Litton Industries Foundation), 6:19
Project With Industry (Washington DC), 6:4
Pung, Robert E. (St. Augustine’s Messenger), 9:21; 13:11; 14:51
Purcell, Mother G. (COLC), 2:40
Purvis, Tom (Sheriff of Mobile County), 10:44
Putnam, Mrs. Roger L. (Catholic Scholarships for Negroes), 5:16; 9:45


Quinn, Stanley (J. Walter Thompson Productions), 13:13, 25


Raboteau, Albert J. (UC-Berkeley), 1:11
Raft, George (Hollywood), 9:30, 38
Rahill, Peter J. (Washington DC), 13:10
Rapport, Ben (Mobile Press Register), 5:67
Raya, Rev. Joseph N. (St. Joseph’s Melkite Church), 4:4
Read, A. Louis (New Orleans), 10:24
Reed, Edward (FR), 3:28
Reed, James P. (Georgetown Univ.), 2:16
Reeves, Tom, 3:29
Regis, Sister Francis (St. Agnes Convent), 2:39
Register, The, 13:11
Register of Copyrights, 1:35
Reher, Anne (Calif.), 10:24
Reher, Sven (LA), 1:10; 5:16; 6:3
Reich, Dr. G. A. (US Dept. of HHS), 9:3
Reidy, Maurice, S. J. (HCC), 2:16
Reising, Dr. Jesse (Kansas Univ.), 5:67
Repetti, Peter J. (Reavis & McGrath), 1:10; 3:32; 4:4
Repetti, W. C., S. J. (Georgetown), 2:16
Rex, Frederick (city of Chicago), 4:8
Reynolds, Jon (Georgetown), 2:16
Reynolds, Robert (American Heritage), 2:24; 5:16
Richardson, Harry V. (Gammon Theological Seminary), 3:27
Rick, J. W. (St. Louis), 13:12
Ridgeway, Rev. J. M. (Sylacauga), 3:27
Riley, Arthur J. (Knights of Columbus), 13:10
Rilling, Paul (SRC), 3:31, 32, 33, 35, 45b; 10:71
Rimes, William J., S. J. (SHC), 5:67; 6:3, 32; 8:39
Rind, Anna (Council for Civic Unity of San Francisco), 2:57
Ring, William E. (NCCM), 13:14
Risikoff, Rose D. (Bank Street College of Education), 7:11a
Rivet, Hilton L., S. J. (SHC), 8:39; 9:21, 30
Robbins, Lewis C. (HEW), 6:3
Roberts, Beverly (New York), 9:30
Roberts, David (Mobile), 5:67
Roberts, Helen L., 13:25
Roberts, Mrs. Jack (Jones Superior Court), 2:16
Robertson, Linda Darnell (Hollywood), 1:9, 10; 9:30; 13:15
Robertson, Pat (CBN), 5:48
Robinow, Annemarie L. (Maine), 3:28
Robinson, Rev. M. F. (AIS), 9:19
Robinson, Maurice (CBS), 13:23
Robinson, Mrs. Maurice L. (Integrity), 1:9, 11; 9:30
Robinson, Paul (Decatur), 3:27, 28
Robinson, William (playwright), 1:60; 8:4; 13:16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25
Rockefeller Foundation, 3:40
Roddenberry, Gene (“Star Trek”), 1:60; 2:30; 13:16
Rodriguez, Edmundo, S. J. (New Orleans Province), 2:52
Roger H., 3:8
Rolande, Sister M. (Sacred Heart School, Kansas City), 1:7
Roos, Joseph (Los Angeles Jewish Community Council), 10:24
Rosalind (?), 1:35
Rosselli, John (The Friars Club), 13:16
Roth, Burnett (Miami), 9:30
Rousseve, Numan (New York), 8:4
Routh, Frederick B. (SRC & USCRC), 3:26, 28, 36; 7:38; 9:3; 10:71
Rubey, Mrs. Myron R. (Mobile), 8:4
Rudoff, Janet Meyers (CBS Television), 1:9
Rushing, Jerry W. (Mobile), 3:28
Ruth (?), 1:60; 9:21; 13:11
Rutledge, Clara (Lillian), 3:28, 45b
Rutledge, Mrs. Irwin B. (Lillian), 3:28
Ryan, Andrew K. (Catholic Standard & Times), 13:11
Ryan, George E. (The Pilot), 13:11
Ryan, Richard, S. J. (Regis College), 2:39, 40
Ryan, Brother Leo V. (Marquette Univ.), 5:67
Ryan, Stephen (New Orleans), 2:9


Sage, Joan (Administrative Assistant), 1:10, 11, 13; 3:31, 45b; 4:21; 13:15
St. Ann’s Infant Home (Washington D.C.), 1:9
St. Thomas Aquinas School, 1:60
Salazar, Edward, S. J. (Our Lady of Guadelupe), 10:11
Salisbury, Harrison (New York Times), 3:31; 8:4
Samet, Seymour (AJC), 9:30, 38
Sample, Miriam (ADL), 3:30
Sand, Mary e. (New Orleans), 5:16
Sanders, Charles L. (Ebony), 9:8
Sanders, Edwin A. (AFSC), 6:3
Sanger, Margaret, 9:3
Scalpone, Alfred J. (CBS), 13:13
Scanlon, Patrick F. (The Tablet), 13:11
Schaftel, Dr. Fannie (Stanford Univ.), 7:11a
Schallert, John W. (Schallert Enterprises), 2:43, 13:24; 15:30
Schary, Dore (MGM), 13:14
Schlichting, Cort (SHC), 6:3
Schneiderman, Robert (ADL), 7:38
Schnieder, Conti (Calif.), 6:3; 8:4; 10:24
Schonfeld, Norman (Wood Theater), 13:24
Schott, Paul, S. J. (JHS), 5:77
Schottgen, Frank B. (Allied Secret Service), 8:4, 26
Schrieber, Frederick A. (AJC), 3:9, 33; 10:24
Schulman, Irving (ADL), 3:30
Schulman, Mark (Calif.), 10:24
Schumpert Memorial Hospital, 1:35
Seamans, Dr. Herbert L. (NCCJ), 7:35; 8:4
Seigenthaler, John (Nashville Tennesseean), 8:4
Seliga, Emil J. (Calif.), 3:36
Serling, Rod (“Twilight Zone”), 1:60; 2:30; 3:29, 35; 6:3; 8:4; 13:13, 14, 15, 16, 18
Severns, Hannah (Moorestown Free Library), 13:11
Sevick, Francis H. (Blessed Trinity Church), 1:11
Seward, Edward J. (Diocese of Cleveland), 7:20
Shane, Samuel (St. Regis Paper Co.), 2:39
Shapiro, Richard M. (ADL), 3:32, 35
Sharon, 6:3
Shearin, Martha D. (Probate Court, NC), 9:3
Sheed, Frank (Sheed and Ward), 13:10
Sheehy, Roscoe C. (Frontiers International), 4:4
Shell, Helen A. (Daughters of the Heart of Mary), 2:39
Shelton, Eleanor (Archdiocese of Washington), 9:21
Shepard, Samuel (St. Louis Board of Education), 7:11a
Sheridan, Chris (Georgia), 9:68; 13:25
Sheridan, Eleanor (Conn.), 1:9, 11
Shine, Barbara (Foley secy), 6:3
Shirah, Rev. Sam C. (Frazer Meth. Church), 3:28
Shores, Arthur (Morgan & Shores), 3:28
Shores, James L. (Morgan & Shores), 3:30
Shuttlesworth, Fred (ACMHR), 4:40
Siceloff, Courtney (Penn Community Services), 3:9, 10
Siefert, Harvey (Univ. Methodist Church), 3:27
Silverstein, Lillian (NCCJ), 8:4
Simmons, Samuel J. (USCRC), 3:10
Sims, Mrs. William D. (AAUW), 3:36
Sissel, H. B. (Presby. Church), 3:29, 30
Sister Antonia (Helpers of the Holy Souls), 2:40
Sister Antonine (St. Joseph’s Provincial House, MN), 2:39
Sister M. Aquin (?), 13:25
Sister Mary Alice (Regis College), 2:39
Sister Mary Catherine (OLLC), 1:9; 7:35
Sister Mary Eleanor (Catholic Charities), 6:3
Sister Mary Ellen, 2:27
Sister Mary Ellen (St. Clara Convent), 13:12
Sister Mary George (Incarnate Word Convent), 5:16
Sister Mary of Our Lady (Provincial Convent of the Good Shepherd), 2:39
Sister Mary Patrick (OLLC), 3:36; 7:35
Sister Mary William (College of St. Catherine), 15:40
Sister Olivia (The Carney Hospital), 13:10
Sister Regis Marie (DeAndreis High School), 2:40
Sister Superior, 13:10
Sisters of the Cross (Missouri), 1:35
Skerrett, Joseph T. (Univ. of Mass.), 13:23
Slosson, Mrs. Preston (Michigan), 3:27
Small, Leslie (New York), 3:28
Smith, Ada, 6:32
Smith, Andrew C., S. J. (SHC & New Orleans Province), 1:9; 6:3; 7:20; 9:30; 10:24; 13:12, 14
Smith, Cloyd V. (Sylacauga), 3:28
Smith, Mrs. Daly (Georgia), 9:68
Smith, Gerard (St. John Berchmans Church), 1:35
Smith, Moreland G. (Montgomery), 3:10, 28
Smith, Mrs. Moreland G. (Montgomery), 3:8, 34, 36
Smith, Raddie G. (Brookley AFB), 3:45b
Smith, Terry (Georgia), 9:68
Smith, Thomas J. Jr. (Calif.), 1:60; 8:4; 10:24
Smith, Veronica (Illinois), 13:12
Smith, William J. (Twentieth Century-Fox), 1:9, 10, 60; 8:4, 39; 9:30, 38, 68; 10:32; 13:12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 24
Snyder, Rev. John J. (Archbishop of Jacksonville), 10:11
Sobel, Martin (ADL), 3:35
Social Security Payment Center (Birmingham), 5:67
Solak, Mary J. (P.J. Kennedy & Sons), 13:15
Solem, Allen R. (Univ. of Michigan), 1:11; 5:67
Southern Christian Leadership Conference, 4:40
Southern Regional Council, 3:26, 28, 30, 31, 32, 33; 7:38
Spellman, Francis Cardinal (New York), 3:29; 8:4; 13:13
Spence, Sylvia (FR), 1:60
Spicer, Rev. Jerry (CBN), 5:48
Sponga, Edward J., S. J. (Woodstock College), 2:16
Spragle, Virginia C. (J. Walter Thompson), 13:13
Spurck, Estelle (Calif.), 10:24
Stackpole Company (Penn.), 8:39
Stahel, Thomas H., S. J. (New Orleans Province), 2:16; 10:11
Standard Oil (Calif), 5:67
Stanfield, J. Edwin (Huntsville), 3:36
Steffin, Helen W. (Washington), 13:13
Steigleder, Mrs. Bert L. (Wisconsin), 3:30
Stepanich, Rev. Martin (Ave Maria), 13:11
Sterling, Dorothy (Mass.), 14:46
Stern Family Fund, The (NY), 6:32
Steve and Paddy, 2:9
Stewart, William A. (NCCJ), 8:4
Stinehelfer, Rev. James (Ohio Conf. of Congre. Christian Churches), 3:30
Stone, Irving (Calif.), 10:32
Stonebarger, DeWayne A. (Univ. of Houston), 5:67
Storm, John (Calif.), 13:12
Straus, Roger William (FSP), 2:27; 13:12, 13, 14; 14:51
Stromberg, Paul (ACHR), 3:27
Suitts, Steve (Civil Liberties Union of Alabama), 9:76, 82
Sullivan, Daniel (Church of the Good Shepherd), 10:24
Sullivan, Father, 9:21
Sullivan, F. D., S. J. (ISO), 10:2
Sullivan, L. B. (Police Comm., Montgomery), 3:8
Sullivan, Mary M. (St. Helena’s House), 13:13
Sullivan, Dr. William (Calif.), 10:24
Sussman, Peter M. (USCRC), 3:8, 9, 10
Swann, Olivia (Social Security), 5:67


Talmey, Allene (Vogue), 13:12
Taylor, Corneff R. (City of Milwaukee), 3:45b
Tead, Ordway (Harper & Bros.), 13:10
Teeling, John, S. J. (Regis College), 2:39
Temple, Phillips (Riggs Memorial Library), 2:16
Teresita, Sister M. (Holy Name Convent), 1:9
Thomas, Albert Roland (Georgia), 3:27
Thomas, Danny (Calif.), 3:30
Thomas, Mrs. O. D. (Tuscaloosa), 3:27, 31
Thompson, Dr. Daniel C. (Dillard Univ.), 3:45b
Thompson, Lee C. (Memphis City Schools), 7:11a
Thornton, Allen (Lauderdale County Schools), 7:11a
Thrasher, Rev. Thomas R. (Montgomery), 3:27, 28
Thuente, Connie (Georgia), 13:23
Tibbetts, James J. (Double “T” Co.), 1:11, 61; 13:25
Tiblier, Henry, S. J. (Ysleta College), 2:39
Tichenor, Ralph, S. J. (Loyola Univ.-LA), 6:3; 10:24
Tidwell, Dr. Robert E. (Stillman College), 3:28
Timberg, Sigmund (Washington DC), 3:30
Timmins, Rev. James P. (Catholic Transcript), 13:11
Tiny (?), 1:9, 10, 13
Tipton, Paul S. (SHC), 1:61; 6:3; 7:10; 13:24
Title, Mary (Calif.), 10:24
Toland, Maree M. (Tuskegee Institute), 3:27
Tomisek, Mrs. Shan (Birmingham), 3:27
Tonsmeire, Sidney A., S. J. (SHC), 6:3
Toomey, John (Sacred Heart Church), 13:10
Tootsie, 9:8
Torrence, Andrew P. (Tuskegee Institute), 3:28
Townsend, Vincent (Birmingham News), 3:10
Trabits, Dorothy Danner (See DaPonte, Dorothy)
Transitional Employee Enterprises (Boston), 6:4
Travis, Glen (St. Louis), 5:67; 6:3, 32; 7:10; 13:24
Travis, James (Univ. of Alabama Press), 2:16; 14:46
Travis, Phillip (Birmingham), 5:2
Treacy, Hubert J. (Virginia), 14:46
Treback, Arnold S. (USCRC), 3:8
Trenholm, Dr. H. C., 3:27, 28
Trese, Ralph E. (Jesuit Research Council), 5:67
Trillingham, C. C. (County of Los Angeles), 10:24
Tureaud, A. P. (Knights of Peter Claver), 7:38
Turnipseed, A. S. (District Super., Methodist Church), 3:27, 45b
Twohy, James (Calif.), 10:24
Twomey, Louis J., S. J. (ISO), 3:34


Ulfelder, John (USCRC), 8:4
Underhill, David (Link), 6:53
Univ. of North Carolina, 5:67
Unterkoefler, Rev. Ernest L. (Bishop of Charleston), 10:11
Urban League, 8:4
US Commission on Civil Rights, 8:4
US Department of Labor, 6:4
US Register of Copyrights, 14:33


Valien, Dr. Preston (Fisk Univ.), 7:38
Vandenbergh, Mother Marie (CRH), 2:39
Van Doren, Pat (FSP), 13:12, 13
Van Baalen, Harold (Birmingham), 3:28
Vandenberg, Mrs. G. E. (Auburn), 3:45b
Vann, David (Birmingham), 3:8, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36
Van Roijen, Robert (Luce Publishing), 2:9
Vardeman, Martha H. (Stillman College), 3:34
Vath, Rev. Joseph G. (Bishop of Birmingham), 10:11, 44
Veale, Nora T. (Mass.), 13:13
Veterans Administration, 3:30, 31, 32; 5:67
Vickery, William E. (NCCJ), 6:3


Wagner, Estelle P. (NCCJ), 7:11a
Wakamatsu, Joseph (Calif.), 3:29, 30
Walker, Sister Marion (Our Lady of the Lake), 1:9
Walker, Wyatt Tee (SCLC), 4:40
Wall, Rev. G. Warren (The Priests’ Senate), 9:76
Wallace, George, 9:76
Walsh, Jeremiah (Society of the Divine Word), 14:46
Walsh, Richard J. (NCCM), 1:60; 13:14, 15, 22
Walters, Sister Annette (College of St. Catherine), 15:40
Ward, A. Dudley (The Methodist Church), 3:27
Warren, George V. (Springhillian), 9:30
Warrick, Ruth (Calif.), 6:3
Washington, Patricia (Mobile Urban League), 10:54
Waters, Vincent S. (Bishop of Raleigh), 2:9
Watkins, S. C. (Tuscumbia), 3:28, 30
Webster, D. W. (Mobile), 5:67
Weddington, Rachel T. (Queens College), 7:11a
Weiler, Edward (Bruce Publishing), 2:39
Weinacker, Barbara (New York), 1:10
Weinberger, Aron (FSP), 13:11
Weise, Rev. Thomas D. (Mobile), 8:33; 9:21; 10:44
Weiskopf, A. A. (Mobile Chamber of Commerce), 5:67
Weitzman, J. Daniel (New York), 3:35
Welch, Ashton W. (Creighton Univ.), 2:24
Welch, Gloria (League of Women Voters), 3:36
Welch, John, S. J. (JHS-Shreveport), 5:77
Welch, Nat (Auburn), 3:10, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 35, 36
Wells, William D. (Loyola Univ.), 2:57
Werth, Rev. McRae (Delaware), 3:36
West, Irene A. (Montgomery), 3:28
White Citizens Council, 8:26//
Whitfield, A. L. (Mobile), 8:26
Whitman, Ransom & Coulson (Attorney, New York), 1:47
Whittset, Dan (Sylacauga), 3:27, 28, 32
Whole Tribe, The, 13:12
Wilkins, Roy (NAACP), 8:4; 10:44
Williams, Mrs. Carl (Georgia), 13:13, 14
Williams, Carolyn C. (Georgia), 9:68
Williams, Enid (Cousin), 1:13
Williams, Samuel (Brewton), 3:27
Willie, Charles V. (Harvard Univ.), 2:24
Wilson, Geraldine (Link), 6:53
Wilson, Rev. J. C., 3:29, 30, 31, 32, 36
Wilson, Rev. Joseph D. C. (Foley), 3:32, 45b; 10:11
Wilson, Rev. M. C. (Birmingham), 3:27, 34
Wiltgen, Rev. R. M. (St. Mary’s Mission House), 13:13; 14:51
Winn, Albert (Stillman College), 3:27, 28, 29
Winters, Stephen X. (Georgetown), 2:16
Wittenstein, Charles F. (AJC), 3:45b; 4:40; 6:3; 8:4
Wohlforth, Robert (FSP), 13:14, 15
Wolf, Carolyn (Farrar, Straus), 13:12
Wolper, David L. (Wolper Productions), 1:60; 13:23
Wood, James (SRC), 8:4
Wood, James N. Jr. (Mobile), 1:10; 10:71
Woods, Rev. Hubert (St. Anthony’s Guild), 13:23
Work, Martin H. (NCCM), 1:60; 13:10, 11, 12, 13
Wren, Harold A. (OLLC), 7:35
Wright, Joe F. (Sylacauga), 3:27
Wright, Marion A. (North Carolina), 3:30, 31
WSFM (Birmingham), 10:71


Yeuell, Rev. Davis (Stillman College), 3:29, 30
Young, Ida (Macon), 13:10
Youth Work, Inc. (Washington DC), 6:4


Zaccaria, Dr. Michael A. (Lackland AFB), 6:3
Ziegler, Mrs. R. J. (Birmingham), 7:11a
Zita (Sister), 1:11
Zizzamia, Alba (NCWC), 5:67
Zoghby, Rev. Anthony V. (Mobile Theater Guild), 9:30