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Integration at Spring Hill College: Home


Welcome to the Integration research guide! Here you will find resources on Integration and the Civil Rights Movement primarily regarding Spring Hill College, both within Burke Memorial Library and beyond! Within the guide, there are details and resources about Brown v. Board of Education, Integration and the first African American students at Spring Hill College, and Fr. Albert Foley, S.J. 

This guide includes letters, photos, and reports regarding Spring Hill's integration from the Spring Hill College Archives.

Where to Start

About the Researcher

Laura Williamson is a Spring Hill College History student of the Class of 2022. She created this research guide as an intern through the History department and Spring Hill College Archives and Special Collections as an effort to showcase the unique relationship Spring Hill College has with the Civil Rights Movement as the first desegregated college in Alabama and one of the first in the Deep South.

If you have any questions regarding the guide or their research, contact her at, or contact Burke Memorial Library directly at this link:

1956 Motley Staff: Seated - Frank O'Hara, John Conover (editor), John Sanroma. Standing - Fr. Walsh (Moderator), Bob Buchanan.

Photo Courtesy of Spring Hill College Archives and Special Collections

1955 Glee Club at Dedication of Walsh Memorial Hall

Photo Courtesy of Spring Hill College Archives and Special Collections

1965 Alpha Sigma Nu, Elbert LaLande (standing, far left)

Photo Courtesy of Spring Hill College Archives and Special Collections

1956 "The Inn Keepers" dance band

Photo Courtesy of Spring Hill College Archives and Special Collections

May 29, 1956, Fannie Motley Graduation

Photo Courtesy of Spring Hill College Archives and Special Collections