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Archives: Digital Collections of Spring Hill College: College Catalogs

Image of College Catalog 1891 1982
Image of College Catalog 1891 - 1892
Image of College Catalog 1891 1892 Prospectus
Image of campus buildings from college catalog 1898 1899
Catalog page from 1926
Catalog 1931 Academic Schedule

College Catalogs

Image of the campus fountain from the 1890-1891 College CatalogThe early college catalogs contains a plethora of information that incoming and current students would need to enroll in classes and live on campus.  Originally boys aged 9 - 15 were eligible to enroll in classes.  With the need for education, offerings were quickly expanded. 

These catalogs also contained early graduation information with conferral of degrees and annual award winners listed.  Catalogs were published regularly and also served as a form of advertisement to recruit new students.

The college catalog collection covers two time frames: 1890 - 1910 and 1919 - 1958.