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My Library Account: Placing Holds for Materials

Place a Hold for Library Materials

You can use your Library Account to place hold requests for materials physically housed in the library.  Hold requests are submitted via the library's catalog - Discovery.

To place a Hold Request for a library item, follow the steps outlined below.  You must be logged into your Library Account to place a Hold.

1 - Locate the item you are interested in placing a request for in the library's catalog.

2 - Navigate to the item's catalog record.  Scroll down to check the item's availability.  If the item is available and you would like to request it, select the "Place Hold" button.

Item record in the library

3 - A new window will appear that is the Hold Request screen.  It looks like this:

image of hold request screen

4 - On the Hold Request Screen, select the location where you want the item from and the location at which you wish to pick the book up.  Once you have selected those two items, choose Submit at the bottom of the form.

image of hold request screen

5 - Once you click the Submit button a verification screen will appear to tell you the request was received by the library's Circulation staff.  

image of a submitted hold request screen

6 - The catalog will notify the library's Circulation Staff of the Hold Request.  When the item is available for pickup, you will receive an automated email from the library catalog informing you of the item's availability.  The request will also appear in your Library Account, under the Requested tab and the item status will change when the item is available for pickup.

holds in library account screen

7 - Items will be housed in the Wilkins Classroom (our 24/7 Computer Lab) in Burke Library. You can gain access through the door location in Einstein's using your campus ID. A cart labeled HOLDS is there for you to pick up your requested books.  

Patrons will need to pick up their items within 3 days of the item's availability.  If not pickup, the hold will expire and the item will be reshelved.