The history of Spring Hill College is long and rich, beginning as it does in the days when this was wild missionary territory, continuing through three great wars and several lesser ones, surviving two massive fires, four terrible hurricanes, and the Great Depression as well as many lesser recessions. Behind the rising and falling fortunes of our history have stood some amazing people: the founding bishop and his devoted priests; the “rescuing” Jesuits and their tenacious, visionary leaders and priest-teachers; talented and self-sacrificing laymen; and the always present, always essential students, both men and women. Together they form an inspiring line of people, some ordained, some not; some deeply pious and some not, but all dedicated to or in search of a cherished ideal of education. Their history of dedication and determination to survive make the true history of Spring Hill College.
Dr. Charles J. Boyle,
Twice Remembered: Moments in the History of Spring Hill College