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Friends of the Library: Board of Directors

Our Mission

Our Mission

The Friends of the Spring Hill College Library is a volunteer group established to support and promote the Spring Hill College Library, Archives and Special Collections. The Friends raise and contribute funds through a variety of projects including the voluntary operation of the Book Nook used book store. The Friends encourage gifts and bequests of books and manuscripts to the Library and to the Archives and Special Collections and promote awareness of the Library and the college.

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Friends of the Library: Constitution Bylaws


The organization’s name is Friends of the Spring Hill College Library.


The organization’s purposes are:

  1. To sustain, strengthen, and further develop library facilities, collections, and services
  2. To provide an opportunity for interested individuals to come together out of common interest in Spring Hill College and its library
  3. To enhance involvement in and enthusiasm for the literary world
  4. To encourage bequests and gifts of books, manuscripts, and financial support for materials and projects that exceed the resources of the library budget
  5. To assist in special library projects
  6. To promote library/community ties that enlarge the service capacity of the library and promote effective use of libraries and their resources


A.      Membership categories include:

  1. $1,000 LIFETIME\CORPORATE: One-time donation, may be paid in increments
  2. $100  PATRON
  3. $40  FAMILY: Includes up to four members of the same household
  5. $10  FACULTY \ STAFF \ STUDENT: Current or retired College faculty and staff and anyone enrolled at the College

B.    Each membership category equals one vote.

C.    Members have borrowing privileges.

D.    The membership year is 1 July through 30 June, coinciding with the College’s fiscal year. A new membership initiated after 30 December shall expire at the end of the following fiscal year.


A.     The Executive Committee consists of the President, Vice-President/President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, and the immediate past-President.

B.     Except for the past-President, Executive Committee officers are elected by members present at the annual meeting and serve for two-year periods.  The Secretary and Treasurer will serve staggered terms for continuity.

C.     The Executive Committee is responsible for managing the organization between regular and specially called Board meetings. Actions taken by the Committee on behalf of the Board shall be submitted to the Board for ratification at the meeting immediately following such actions.


A.    All Board members, excluding staff, shall be members in good standing (i.e. dues-paying members) of the Friends.

B.    The Board consists of:

  1. Executive Committee officers
  2. Committee Chairs
  3. Library Director (ex-officio )
  4. Jesuit Liaison – Represents the Friends Board to the Jesuit Community
  5. Alumni Representative
  6. Student Representative
  7. Historian – Updates the existing history and maintains an ongoing and annual list of Executive Committee officers, Board members, and Board Committee chairs
  8. At-Large Members - Serve two-year terms, with a maximum of two consecutive terms. The President can reappoint At-Large members to additional terms.

C.    All members may recommend persons for the Board. New Board members are elected by the Board, serve two-year terms, and may be re-appointed by the President.

D.    The Board makes all decisions necessary for the functioning of the organization and approves all programs and expenditures.



  1. Calls and presides at all Board meetings
  2. Functions as the organization’s Executive Officer
  3. Appoints chairs of  Committees and Ad-Hoc Committees
  4. Serves as an ex-officio member of the Nominating Committee
  5. Collects fiscal year standing committee reports and writes an annual report, which is stored on the College’s server and also temporarily housed in the Friends office in the Library
  6. Arranges orientation for incoming President and new Board members
  7. Convenes an end-of-the-year annual Board meeting in June, which also serves as a planning meeting to set next fiscal year goals/events


  1. Assists the President, and in the President’s absence performs all duties of that office
  2. Serves as the organization’s next President


  1. Records minutes of Board meetings and submits such to the President
  2. Assumes responsibility for correspondence of the organization
  3. Maintains an attendance record at Board meetings


  1. Tracks expenditures and income and reconciles these with the College’s ledger
  2. Presents financial statements at Board meetings
  3. Assumes responsibility for the organization’s financial records
  4. Submits an annual financial report at the first Board meeting in the new fiscal year


  1. If the President cannot complete a term, the Vice President/President Elect becomes President immediately.
  2. If the VP/President Elect, Secretary, or Treasurer cannot complete a term, the Executive Committee will be responsible for filling the vacancy by
    • appointing a replacement to complete the term or
    • reconvening the Nominating Committee and having them submit a nominee to the Board for approval or
    • asking the President to appoint a replacement for an interim period ending at the next annual meeting when the appointee will be presented to the membership for approval to complete the term.


Committees are Annual Dinner, Book Nook, Hospitality, Literary Events, Membership, Literary Events, Nominating, Publications, Publicity, and Special Events


A.     ANNUAL DINNER: Chairs annual dinner and coordinates with Advancement personnel to pick event date (typically, the Thursday after graduation)

B.     BOOK NOOK: Supports the Book Nook Manager and oversees all operations of the Book Nook, including culling gift materials and making recommendations for improvements

C.     HOSPITALITY: Provides refreshments/hospitality at events, as directed by the President

D.     LITERARY EVENTS: Proposes, develops and delivers Board approved literary events and series

E.     MEMBERSHIP: Coordinates with Advancement staff to retain and build membership, drafts and send out annual renewal and new member letters, and processes and reports membership numbers and revenues

F.      NOMINATING: Consists of current President, one past President and two Board members appointed by the President; submits a slate of officer nominees for approval at the Annual Dinner

G.     PUBLICATIONS: Oversees publication of the Friends newsletter Bookends and manages all aspects of  large-scale publishing projects

H     PUBLICITY: Coordinates with the SHC Communications Office to publicize events and places notices of such in a variety of venues, organizations and publications

I.     SPECIAL EVENTS: Chairs minimum of one annual fund raising event each fiscal year Board meetings and special events.


A.     The Board meets at least four times annually and at the call of the President. A quorum consists of three of the five Executive Officers and 50 percent of current Board members. Once a quorum is met, all business of the Board is approved by a majority of votes cast.

B.     All meetings are governed by the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.

C.     The annual Board meeting is held in June.


The Friends of the Spring Hill College Library is established by the authority of the College President and the Board of Trustees. All gifts including gifts-in-kind, shall be received, held, and administered as gifts to the College for the use of the Library. Cash or securities gifts shall be deposited with the Controller. The Friends have the authority to receive dues and specific gifts to meet the organization’s operating expenses. Funds will be dispersed by the Controller under proper requisition of the Treasurer of the Friends. Unrestricted gifts shall be allocated to the Library or related purposed by a quorum of the Board of the Friends.


This Constitution and By-Laws may be amended by a 2/3 vote of a quorum of the Board, after having been presented, in writing, 10 days in advance of the next meeting.


In the event of the organization’s dissolution, its books, records, archives, and general files shall be delivered to the custody of the College Archives. 

Approved by Board: 9/11/13