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Burke Memorial Library: Faculty Development Center

About the Faculty Development Center

Spring Hill’s Faculty Development Center is located in room 112 of the Burke Memorial Library. The Center is open 8:00 am to 5:00 pm on weekdays. Circulation Staff can unlock the room after 5 p.m. and during weekend hours. Library hours are posted on its website and at the front door.

The Center houses the Faculty Development Collection of books and periodicals; two high-end PCs; laser and color printers; auto-feed, flatbed, slide, and test scanners and a microphone for recording audio.  The computers offer the full MS Office Suite, Acrobat Writer, PhotoShop, Captivate, Dreamweaver and other programs. 

The Center provides meeting and lounging space. There is soft seating, a conference table that can seat eight, and a credenza. The Center may be reserved for faculty committee, department, or program meetings via  

Faculty Development Center (BL112) Software

Test Migration Software

  • Respondus 4.1 (Test migration software) - A campus-wide license is available, which allows faculty to install this software on office and/or personal computers. It's a Windows-only application for test creation but finished products work on all computer platforms.
  • Create tests and question pools, then publish to Schoology, save, and/or print.
  • Extract tests and question pools from other learning management system for migration to Schoology.
  • The Respondus Test Bank Network contains thousands of test banks for the leading textbooks in higher education. The Test Bank Network is free for instructors who adopt a participating textbook. Visit the link for training material and free webinars.

Test Integrity Software

We have a campus-wide site license for Respondus Lockdown Browser and Monitor for test integrity. Access these tools within your Schoology test settings when you make an assessment. Once you turn these features on for your test, students will be asked to install and use them prior to taking the test. 

Evaluation Statistics

 IBM SPSS 24, advanced statistical analysis to understand data, identify trends, and make predictions

Production Software
These programs allow for the creation of text documents, spreadsheets, and slide presentations.

  • Microsoft Office 2016
  • Google Apps (aka G Suite) available within Gmail

These tools allow for the creation of audio, video, and screencast content to be distributed in a variety of methods, including through Schoology.

  • Camtasia Studio 9 for video editing and production 
  • Snagit 13 for screen captures and photo editing
  • Audacity® 2.0.6 for audio recordings

PDF Creation & Editing
These tools allow for the creation and/or editing of portable document files (PDFs), which is a more generally accessible format.

  • Adobe Acrobat Pro XI can bring new life to old PDFs (e.g., right them if they were photocopied askew), combine Word Docs and other PDFs into a single PDF, add fillable blanks to create form fields, and edit existing PDFs in a combined format. It also can render a PDF with the accessibility features required by the American Disability Act. See this Acrobat XI User Guide to learn how to edit PDFs.
  • Microsoft Office 2016 (Save as PDF Add-in)
  • You can also save anything into a PDF when you select that option in print mode.
  • There is a paper scanner in this room in case you only have the paper format and cannot find the original in digital format. It's an HP Scanjet 8270. 

Image Editing
These software tools allow for editing of photos or other images:

  • Adobe Photoshop CS6
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Picasa, a Google Drive app for image curation, editing, and sharing
  • Snagit

Available Hardware

  • Epson Perfection 3170 Photo Scanner: There's an image scanner located connected to one of the computers.
  • Scantron: This machine uses form 888-2. The SHC Bookstore sells the Scantron sheets to students for 6 in a pack for around $2. Let the SHC Bookstore know in advance if you'll be asking students to purchase them, so they'll have enough available. The Scantron Item Analysis Summary Sheet (Form 9700) is used to determine areas of difficulty for your students. These are available at

See other hardware in the Google Slides presentation below. Those items are available for loan through the library's circulation desk.

Programs and Services

SHC EzProxy Link for Library Databases

Faculty: Use the SHC EzProxy link+ Database Permalink to share articles with students instead of posting copyright protected articles directly in your online courses/sites. First, find the article on the website. Then use the permalink on that page. It's a stable URL that can be found in the database of the article listing. The combination link will take students to the Burke Library database for that article. Copy and paste this link and add the permalink after the equal sign:

Note: Off-campus students will need to log in to the library website with their BadgerWeb ID to access it.  

Free Resources for Online Course Design

General Images:

Course Content:


Digital Library:

Audio Recorder:

General Ed Tech Resources