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Burke Memorial Library: Faculty Services

Copyright Information

Faculty can also access information about Copyright and Intellectual Property Guidelines by reviewing the print version of the Spring Hill College Faculty Manual.

The Use of Copyrighted Materials is covered in the manual beginning with page 1-26.

Specific Guidelines for Governing the Copying of Books and Periodicals for Classroom Use can be found in Appendix 1-A. (page 1-A1)

Schedule Bibliographic Instruction!

Custom Library Instruction for Your Classes

Librarians at Spring Hill College offer instruction in basic library skills, use of print and online resources, and research strategies. The classes can be general or geared toward specific course requirements. Please contact Dr. Maura Mandyck ( Educational Technology & Instruction Librarian, to schedule instruction classes for your students. 

Faculty Lounge

A Faculty Lounge is located in room 112 of Burke Library.

It is intended to be a comfortable and secluded place to get away from your office. It is an excellent spot for small groups of faculty to meet for coffee, conversation, or anything else. 

The room features: 

  • An area large desk with a working area and a Mac with video conferencing software (Zoom & Google Meet).
  • An area with a table and whiteboard suitable for small groups. 
  • An area with comfortable loveseats and a sofa for small group discussion. 

The room is always open and unlocked during normal library hours. 

No key is required.