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United States History

Customized guides to research for specific HIS courses

History of Racism in the United States

Civil Rights Reference

[R] The Encyclopedia of Civil Rights in America. 3 vols.
E 185.61 .E544 1998 Fl. 1 Reference

[R]  Smith, Jessie C, and Joseph M. Palmisano. Reference Library of Black America.
Gale, 2000. E 185 .R44 2000 vols. 1-5 Fl. 1 Reference

Quite useful for its timeline and connection of persons to events

[R]  Crawford, Vicki L. Women in the Civil Rights Movement: Trailblazers and Torchbearers,
. Indiana University Press, 1993. E 185.61 .W83 1993 Fl. 2

[R]  Hine, Darlene Clark. Black Women in American History. Brooklyn, N.Y.:
Carlson Pub., 1990. 15 vols. (see esp. vol 8 index)
Reference E 185.86 .B543.

[R] Organizing Black America An Encyclopedia of African American Associations. Garland, 2001.

[R]  The New Encyclopedia of Southern Culture.
F 209 .N47 2006  Fl. 1 Reference

   See especially  v. 24. Race; v. 19. Violence

[R]  American National Biography. Oxford University Press, 1999. CT 213 .A68 Fl.1 Reference

Southern States Online Reference

Mississippi Department of Archives and History  Digital Collections

Alabama Department of Archives and History  Encyclopedia of Alabama

Georgia Humanities Council  The New Georgia Encyclopedia

Civil Rights Digital Library  (University of Georgia)

Civil Rights in Mississippi Digital Archive (University of Southern Mississippi)

Civil Rights Archive (University of Mississippi)

Documenting the American South (University of North Carolina)

Freedom Archives (primary sources from SNCC, Black Panthers, Black Liberation, etc.)

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Martin Luther King, Jr. Center for Nonviolent Change Digital Archive


Southern Freedom Movement Documents 1951-1968

Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)  CORE - Lator

Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) 

SNCC Digital Gateway

The Student Voice and SNCC Internal Newsletters

Black Panther Party

@UC Berkeley

@Michigan State University Library Digital Collections

The Civil Rights Movement in Nashville

Freedom Riders from Let Freedom Ring: Moments from the Civil Rights Movement, 1954–1965.

Freedom Riders: Threatened. Attacked. Jailed.  (PBS)

Features firsthand accounts from the Riders themselves, state and federal
government officials, and journalists who witnessed the Rides.

[S] Recommended Scholarly Journals

Journal of Southern History

Journal of Black Studies

Journal of Negro History

Journal of African American Studies (continues J of African American Men)

Journal of African American History

Journal of Negro Education

[P/S] Recommended Magazines (Check the box "Search all issues")

The Crisis (W.E.B. DuBois)

Life Magazine

Jet Magazine


[P] The Southern Courier (Weekly newspaper covering Civil Rights in the South

[P] Muhammad Speaks (Newspaper of the Nation of Islam)

[P] Search the Illinois Newspaper Project




[S] Civil Rights Workers

Biographies of Individuals as well as civil rights efforts in particular places

[P] Interviews and Oral Histories

Eyes on the Prize Interviews

Click the blue links for sample sources

[P] Writings

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Martin Luther King, Jr. Encyclopedia (online resource)
(Stanford University)

Malcolm X

sample: Malcolm X.  February 1965: The Final Speeches. Pathfinder, 1992. BP 223 .Z8 L5796 1992

Eldridge Cleaver

sample: Cleaver, Eldridge. Soul on Ice. McGraw-Hill, 1967. E185.97 .C6  

[S/P] Groups

Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee  (SNCC)

sample: Carson, Clayborne. In Struggle: SNCC and the Black Awakening of the 1960s.
Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 1995.

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

Black Panther Party

Nation of Islam

Search also for: Black nationalism

Civil rights workers / activists

College Students and Civil Rights

Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)  CORE - Lator

Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)  The Student Voice and SNCC Internal Newsletters

Black Panther Party

@UC Berkeley

@Michigan State University Library Digital Collections

[R] The Ku Klux Klan: An Encyclopedia. Garland, 1991. HS2330.K63 N49 1991 Fl. 1 Reference

[S] Events  

Montgomery Bus Boycott

Selma-Montgomery Rights March, 1965

Sit ins

[P] Albany Movement

Albany Movement (Civil Rights Digital Archive)

[P] Freedom Rides / Freedom Summer

Freedom Summer Papers (MS Department of Archives and History)

Freedom Riders’ Oral Histories  (University of Mississippi)

[P] Memphis Sanitation Workers Strike

Resources from Civil Rights Digital Library

[S] College Integration

Integration of Ole Miss

College integration

University of [name of school here] + [History]

University of Georgia History

U.S. Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division (site search)

Google Magazine Search (by Bret Heim and Lauren Jensen)
   click "full view only," then "'magazines,"  lastly, enter your search term(s) in the search box

Sample: Selma March

Vital Speeches of the Day

[S] Search the Library online catalog

By Geography [see also "Start Here"]
Click the blue links for sample sources

[S] State + [Race relations]

subject: Alabama Race relations

subject: Indiana Race relations

Gaillard, Frye. Cradle of Freedom: Alabama and the Movement That Changed America. University of Alabama Press, 2004. E185.93 .A3 G35 2004 Fl. 2

Catlin, Robert A. Racial Politics and Urban Planning : Gary, Indiana, 1980-1989. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 2015.

[S] Civil rights movements + [State]

subject: Civil rights movements Mississippi

[S] City + [Race relations]

subject: Birmingham Race relations

subject: Selma Race relations

subject: Chicago Race relations

Garrow, David J. Protest at Selma: Martin Luther King, Jr., and the Voting Rights
Act of 1965
. New Haven, Conn: Yale University Press, 1978. JK1929.A2 G37 Fl. 2

McKersie, Robert B. A Decisive Decade : An Insider's View of the Chicago Civil Rights Movement
during the 1960s
. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 2013.

[S] County

subject: Lowndes County

subject: Neshoba County

[S] Social Conditions (sample searches)

subject: African-Americans Alabama

subject: African-Americans Illinois

subject: African-Americans and segregation

subject: Civil rights of African-Americans

subject: Civil Rights and Churches

University of [              ] + [History]

   su:University of Georgia History

[S] College integration

   su:College integration Mississippi