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Instructional Resources Center (IRC) website with course guides supporting the Division of Teacher Education curriculum.

Course description

EDU 373 Teaching Social Studies. Social studies curriculum, teaching, and media for children ages four through eleven.

ALEX Standards - Education Library resources

Example of resources for an Alex standard. Lists for many of the standards are available from Mrs. Heim.

Social Studies Standards


Specific journal titles to search in the field of Social Studies.



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Search for articles, books, and media all at once.

Search for articles, books, and media all at once.

Education Library books and media

Method and Activity Books

Search tips

  1. To broaden a search use the operator OR. Find books that are either about Mayas, Incas, or Aztecs.   Mayas OR Incas OR Aztecs
  2. To narrow your search, use the word “AND”. You will retrieve items that are only about animals living in Africa.   Africa AND animals
  3. To find  specific types of materials, limit your search by Format
  4. Use time periods (Colonial Period, Revolutionary Period, Civil War, World War I) or cities, regions, or countries (Egypt, Norway, and Paris)  as subjects.  The more specific the subjects and subheadings used, the more specific the results United States History Revolution, 1775-1783.

Locating social studies resources on the shelves

Item Type


Call number begins with


Book Stacks 

C 900s, C E, and C FIC

Kits, games, posters

Media Room

Media Soc

Textbooks, activity & method books

Book Stacks

Elementary 372.8     Secondary 900s


Reserve Room



Outside links